Is this Idea Worthwhile?

Bring them in with the Renters then say, "one of the best discounts ( _____ insert company) offers their policyholders is a (_____%) discount for bundling their home and auto! That renters policy qualifies you for a great opportunity to save money and have all your insurance in one location for easy payments. At the end of the quote let them know that the savings from the renters bundle essentially makes it a great deal because the discount pays for the renters policy. PLUP the combo to solidify it.

That's how I make use of all the referrals apartments send me.
Thanks Waldo , this is good ,
I don't consider renters insurance a "niche". A niche is an area where you have developed a particular expertise and therefore can bring some value added aspect to the table. What you plan offer is a generic product to a generic market. In this case, it is even worse because your target group is not forced to own coverage. Good luck with that.