- 5,058
So assuming many people who are in the same line of work and targeting the same people, wouldn't they all be using the same 'key words' and doing the same thing as the advice I am seeing?
Sure there will be many who don't but in this day and age, I assume folks are much more savvy when it comes to getting ranked. The pages on Google are only so big and trying to get on page one can be like trying to bang the high school Prom Queen.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this whole thing. If thousands and thousands are trying to do the same thing or are doing the same thing, how does one stand out in a big crowd so to speak?
Can it be done without pay per clicks or expensive things like PCP which one must buy to get their site ranked in a world where guys are spending thousands of dollars and lots of time?
Well, you need to look and test for keywords that have weak competition. For example, I have one Keyword alone that earns me about $1500/mo right now in surehits clicks.
keyword research
Aged Indexed Domain
Non dup content