Where are most of your LOLH clients located? If in COOK county, you can place them with Harken and they might actually thank you for it. Plus, I believe Harken is still paying us for our efforts.
LLH first is owned from its members, and the board should ask its members for help. If each member pay $800, they are out of trouble. The co-op is a good thing and hate when good things are going down, and more, I hate when people (including us-brokers) do nothing to help themselves. Doesn't matter where we will move our clients, they will pay more for the remaining period of the year, and will recieve less.
All this people (our clients) should be aware of it. No magic pill, but when you are a partial owner, you should behave as such.
I can't really understand all this sheepish mentality. It is worst than that mentality people have under dictatorship. There at least they are worried about their lives. What they have to loose here is control over their finances.
Can you do something: yes, instead of moving people here and there, we can send them information about the reality - they will pay more with any other insurer, or they will have something with is nothing (the company with no network). So, they can send mails to LLH and ask the company to ask each member for 1 time help of 800!!! They are the owners-the members!!!