Lead Questions

You can just buy leads from EFES or do they take cut? I am trying to figure out the best way to do this. I did not like the telemarketed leads. I know I have a lot to learn but I am fortunate enough to have the time and money to do it right.

You cannot just buy leads from EFES. You can broker with EFES and get a discount mailer. But, to be on the lead program you have to be on the program.
I was not doing my own drop which is part of the problem I assume. My leads come from my upline and I go where they send me which is anywhere from 2-5 hours away. Mlg my income was not 7500 but closer to 6 before lead and hotel/gas/food costs. I was 750 in the hole before I walked out the door for the week. On top of that if I would hope you know to account for the IRS and also put at least 20 percent on the side for charge backs down the road. As others have said on here before the only real way to do this is to mail your own leads with a card that actually mentions insurance and work paid as earned. Of course to do all of that you will need some cash in the bank which is the part I was lacking. For now I have a job where charge backs are not there and I am home every night. I will miss the 3 days weekends though. As Jd said this job can be very rewarding and it really did put me in a better mind set, especially spiritually. It will make you appreciate the life you have that is for sure. I just could not handle the fact that if I have one bad week I was out of business.
Thanks JD.

Jacobtn-I am 26. I dont have any professional looking pictures on this computer all I have are pictures of when I was a bikini model. But i gave all that up because I had a calling to do final expense. Any secret insights would be much appreciated.
also I forgot to mention to ml, my best luck getting in the door was doing drive bys. It is amazing how easy it is to get in the door and they have nothing but time so they are willing to hear your pitch, so door knocking can def work. If you are a quick wit type of person it should not be a problem. Then you just have to hope they have a bank. After that you have to hope they have a check or the account number laying around. That was a problem for me. I have two apps for 50 each sitting here waiting for account numbers. A lot of these older folks have family hold on to that info and getting it from them is a task to say the least. I made a couple of trips to the bank also. The sales I was most proud of was when I walked into a half a million dollar home with an educated couple and walked out with two apps. Its amazing to me how somebody at age 70 or up with money in the bank has no insurance. Crazy!
Thanks goforbroker, I assume your upline was taking a percentage as well as charging you for leads. We have no contract with our upline I assume he is taking overides and we are getting full commissin. When you mentioned drive bys did you do cold door knocks or were these just drive bys from the leads. We noticed from our telemarketed leads driving by was the best way.
Yea they get a share but I never had a problem with that cause they showed me the business and I am typically a loyal person. Yes I did the drive by's off the lead cards. It seems you will lose some of them on the phone but its harder to get rid of somebody when they are at your door. Just watch out for dogs, the ones that will bite you are sneaky and will wait till your out of the car. They also don't bark! A can of pepper spray will go far.
did u find their training worth it? there seems to be a lot of great info here that is just as good as most training. i guess it depends on the management team.
Do the names Antoine "Tony" Harfouche or Craig Andersen ring a bell with anyone here in connection with FE - ?? I meeting with Craig on Monday (His Recruiter) - after that will most likely go with Equita - from my research on these guys - I have serious doubts - but I will listen to his pitch - It never ceases to amaze me the lengths some will go -- came across them on a Monster ad for Final Expense sales in Orange County, CA
I am independent. I partner with EFES for my leads. I am at the best lead costs that is available thru EFES and that's $11 per lead. I normally get 15 leads per week or 60 per month. That would be $660/mo in lead costs. Sometimes I don't get that many. In March I only got 43 leads. I was in New Orleans for 5 days so I didn't take my normal amount.

I've been doing this a while. One can't base their expectations on what I do. There was a time when I would have needed twice the number of leads I get now to get the same production.

I'm new here too guys. JD, when you say partnered up, are they an IMO? 'Cause I need a good lead source as well. I'm not having any luck with telemarketed leads although I'm new enough to have only tried one source. I'm thinking EFES has to be an IMO otherwise that's a HELL of a deal for any kind of leads...
I guess the question is, is there not a good lead source (price and quality) out there if you're NOT signed up with an IMO/FMO??