Leadco Exclusive Leads

Very low quality leads, due to PPC advertising, and low converting lead page. Very short form, very small amount of information, and Links them directly to E-Health. They are now touting Exclusive Gold Leads!!! Bottom line a junk lead is a junk lead no matter if its exclusive or Shared. You can do so much better. Top Keyword for this site "Cheap Health Insurance" this will bring the quality prospects!!!!:nah: The Credit Policy and its liberal return, should tell you they know that most their leads are junk, and can afford to give credits. Dont be fooled by this tactic.
The bottom line is a lot of agents are looking for deals, not leads.

Yes, a small number will be lay downs and if all you want to do is work with lay downs that's fine. It's great business but low volume.

Salemanship comes into signing up the rest. Because salesmanship is employed does it mean it's bad business? Business that will lapse?

If you think the answer is "yes" than you're an order taker. Not a problem with that, you'll just be putting in a deal "here and there."

There are absolutely things you can say (or not say) that would otherwise have landed you the deal.
The bottom line is a lot of agents are looking for deals, not leads.

Yes, a small number will be lay downs and if all you want to do is work with lay downs that's fine. It's great business but low volume.

Salemanship comes into signing up the rest. Because salesmanship is employed does it mean it's bad business? Business that will lapse?

If you think the answer is "yes" than you're an order taker. Not a problem with that, you'll just be putting in a deal "here and there."

There are absolutely things you can say (or not say) that would otherwise have landed you the deal.

Not sure I understand this response to the Lead Vendor and the quality of leads, we were discussing.

I understand Sales, I think? but could be wrong, Ever Sold the Military to 17 yr old and the parents in todays society? Just a little more difficult than a health insurance policy.
Lol. Been there. I entered the delayed entry program when I was 17 - we had to work on my mom to sign for 2 months. In today's society? She would never have signed.
For what it is worth,,,I just received a health lead moments ago. M 50 F 49...both NS...Good health and they live about 10 minutes from the office.

After exchanging the usual pleasantries (You know...Boy, it was hot today...We're right across the road from you...How about those Devil Rays...) they informed me that they actually had no interest in health insurance as they had current group coverage.

They went to a site that offered a free gas card and indicated that they wanted a LIFE (not health) insurance quote. Sheesh! Well, I quoted West Coast Life and ING who were the most competitive options for them, and there's about a 1 out of 3 chance of getting a sale.

But Stacey...C'mon! You say you don't use affiliates and you don't play the games that others do...Say it ain't so!
For what it's worth, I think we all know that in order for the lead vendors to supply the demand for leads, they buy affiliates and cannot possibly police them to a certain degree.

If anyone knows a lead source that no one complains about, please tell us all.

Oh but that doesn't exist does it?