Let's Hear It: Worst Cancellation or Non Taken Stories.

I have told the story here before and don't really want to go into details as I am typing on a phone keyboard. I had a $325k annual premium free look the 28th day. He had paid the full annual and I had been paid. Got paid in December free looked in Jan... It put me out of the business for 2 years. I was devastated needless to say.

Sounds like he needed to hide money for a while.
Sounds like he needed to hide money for a while.

It was more of a douche move on the accountants part. It was a rated case and they took my contract to get an approval from a carrier that flat told me no when I was working the case. In the end concessions had to be made as I could not duplicate what he said he got. The real kicker is that even my rated contract was a better solution than the "standard" one elsewhere. It wouldn't last @ the premium he settled on. So as bad as it screwed me, it will screw him much worse by virtue of implosion or the dreaded underfunded UL fiasco. It was 5 years ago and the other contract is likely to hit the fan any time.
A few weeks ago a client called me wanting to convert his term policy to a GUL. The monthly premium was $582. Policy was issued and I called to let him know. He had shopped online and thought he could buy a new policy for less. The last time we talked he had decided to keep his term polcy.

5 star mail demanding 1000s and that big Ap falling through. Man, you sound like a tough sob. Many would cry themselves to sleep after that tough stretch. Lol. Can't believe no one else is pictching in. Like pcb said, it's part of he business. Let's hear some stories and give the newbys some insight on how a signed contract means nothing until they Stay the plan with consistsnt payments.
5 star mail demanding 1000s and that big Ap falling through. Man, you sound like a tough sob. Many would cry themselves to sleep after that tough stretch. Lol. Can't believe no one else is pictching in. Like pcb said, it's part of he business. Let's hear some stories and give the newbys some insight on how a signed contract means nothing until they Stay the plan with consistsnt payments.

Billy ain't afraid to ask for the big money, either.:no:
Thougy I might find some hunmerous stories in this thread.. Instead just find it depressing.. Won't be reading it anymore.. To each his own.. :1baffled:
Wow so all you guys love bragging about your big premium but won't share the ball breakers... I thought this was a 2 way street. Don't want your new recruits to get scarred of the inevitable dark times this business is bound to bring?
Wow so all you guys love bragging about your big premium but won't share the ball breakers... I thought this was a 2 way street. Don't want your new recruits to get scarred of the inevitable dark times this business is bound to bring?

They aren't dark times, just part of the deal. You're gonna get kicked in the balls a lot in this business. It's why they pay you the big bucks. Next!:)
I didn't quit when I lost $6000 in monthly renewals to Tricare for Life 15 years ago. You win some and you lose some. You cannot predict what the future holds.