Let's Hear It: Worst Cancellation or Non Taken Stories.

A few weeks ago a client called me wanting to convert his term policy to a GUL. The monthly premium was $582. Policy was issued and I called to let him know. He had shopped online and thought he could buy a new policy for less. The last time we talked he had decided to keep his term polcy.

Now we are talking. Got another one. Travel 70 miles to a town with about 10 leads that need to be door knocked due to no communication on phone or already rejected.. Make about 5 contacts and write 3 applications. First application women was so sure she was 100 percent healthy; well all my carriers phone interviews are showing current cancer. My original quote is cut in half for a guaranteed policy and I end up finding out she has one of those credit cards net jet or something... Cool. That's an app. Then I finish up day around 6 pm getting into house of Agnes after a full day of door knocking ;she is also positivr she is healthly. Well, all my carriers are showing current cancer again... I end up writing two graded polices on husband and wife for about 1800 Ap. So, great . I wrote 2500$ And I'm on my way home with a huge smile. Phone call comes in while on way home; we need to cancel app because there won't be money in the account... Hmmm. ..the net jet card went through 1st month and was rejected 2nd month. Okay. That's fine. Must have been a mistake. I'll just door knock and get it back on the books, she's not home. Okay. That's okays I'll ask neighbor when she will be home. Tajuana moved out about 30 days . We have no idea where she is... Now that's a ball breaker day. Lol. Come on guys. I know you guys have been taken some low blows. Let's hear them.
Had a upper middle class lady with the typical "aarp/globe/etc" situation. Showed her WL Aetna/ACI tobacco rates and wasn't expecting her to switch just based on feel. She basically demands the $199 for 10k option, needless to say that didn't stick even to first draft.

I won't be negitive about it because its part of what I signed up for.
Last week, I door knocked 76 year old guy he has 20k term, that goes to 80, I wrote him 14k foresters, for 162 month, he was declined because medications for CHF, he claims he takes it for blood pressure, I'm working on getting letter from Dr.

I can't put him with my other companies, he takes meds, for afib, price on standard trans. Would be a lot more, he can convert his aarp policy to wl.
Last week, I door knocked 76 year old guy he has 20k term, that goes to 80, I wrote him 14k foresters, for 162 month, he was declined because medications for CHF, he claims he takes it for blood pressure, I'm working on getting letter from Dr. I can't put him with my other companies, he takes meds, for afib, price on standard trans. Would be a lot more, he can convert his aarp policy to wl.

RNA for the win!
I have told the story here before and don't really want to go into details as I am typing on a phone keyboard. I had a $325k annual premium free look the 28th day. He had paid the full annual and I had been paid. Got paid in December free looked in Jan... It put me out of the business for 2 years. I was devastated needless to say.
Idk that was her excuse.. Was just told about a million $ annuity;26,000 commision that ended up going with customers brother after a change of heart ouch that one must have hurt. Anything bigger than 26,000$?

Just one more thing that makes the FE market unique. We generally don't have to worry about friends and relatives jumping out of the woodwork and then running down to the 'hood to poach our deals.:nah::laugh: