I have had some very positive business dealings and can answer pretty clearly.
Muslims, like other Christians, have a variety of different levels of observance and practices. Much is similar, but lots of varieties.
A few are against life insurance because it means the beneficiary profiting off someone's death.
But the big kicker for many is the interest involved in whole life. Devout Muslims try to shun any form of usury or interest; either paying or receiving. Pretty rough to do in our society, but many do!
So if they are anti-interest they might not do WL, but might possibly do variable utilizing equity accounts that don't pay interest. Or term.
Muslims, like other Christians, have a variety of different levels of observance and practices. Much is similar, but lots of varieties.
A few are against life insurance because it means the beneficiary profiting off someone's death.
But the big kicker for many is the interest involved in whole life. Devout Muslims try to shun any form of usury or interest; either paying or receiving. Pretty rough to do in our society, but many do!
So if they are anti-interest they might not do WL, but might possibly do variable utilizing equity accounts that don't pay interest. Or term.