Lincoln Heritage

You know I've never posted on here but I have read the post and have gotten good info. from this forum. However, it seems that ever time someone post that they actually like their job and seem to be doing good with it, at whatever level or income, you guys inevitably shoot them down. been doing this for 28 years and have recruited, hired and trained more agents than you can imagine. I have always tried to encourage folks while you guys seem to want to start a pissing match with them. LH or not who cares if it is working for them. Why attack them makes no sense unless you just get off on being the BIG man throwing your weight around. Hmmmm me thinks you have issues. By the way, I joined back in 2010 under a different log in. In case someone makes a smart comment about that. Have a great day!

I'm curious, what happened that made you change your log in Name?
Thank you all for your imput. The video however was the biggest help except I think to woman's pot was too shallow.
I have been in sales my whole life (another field) and earned around 225 -250K during my "prime" years. I don't want to kill myself but I would like 2 make 100K plus or minus. I think the "pig in the python" is now at FE and that there is a growing market that should last and be recession proof. I am worried about two things. 1. quality leads and 2, being fired down the road because I'm not driven to earn you know 300 to 450K. I do think a system is valuable and I've always sold service over price. I will not lie or do a customer wrong and I believe that the best defense against being replaced is how well I did my job and the level of service I offer.
I sincerly am looking for alternatives before I commit to Lincoln Heritage which will be within this month. You guys are the pros in this field so give me a break and well maybe one of your companies are the right one for me. Oh, I'm in Calif.
Where would you suggest an agent start at in the final expense business?

Maybe there is a contracting FE group reading this forum on occasion who could help somehow?

I think they are called an FMO, there might even be a thread about the 3 top ones where he could look for unbiased opinions.
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Thank you all for your imput. The video however was the biggest help except I think to woman's pot was too shallow.
I have been in sales my whole life (another field) and earned around 225 -250K during my "prime" years. I don't want to kill myself but I would like 2 make 100K plus or minus. I think the "pig in the python" is now at FE and that there is a growing market that should last and be recession proof. I am worried about two things. 1. quality leads and 2, being fired down the road because I'm not driven to earn you know 300 to 450K. I do think a system is valuable and I've always sold service over price. I will not lie or do a customer wrong and I believe that the best defense against being replaced is how well I did my job and the level of service I offer.
I sincerly am looking for alternatives before I commit to Lincoln Heritage which will be within this month. You guys are the pros in this field so give me a break and well maybe one of your companies are the right one for me. Oh, I'm in Calif.

If you're in Socal, I think LH maybe ya best the way, what exact area will u be working? :biggrin:
If you're in Socal, I think LH maybe ya best the way, what exact area will u be working? :biggrin:

Toe in the wate....this is a joke...please don't think he's being serious. He wants to know where you're working because LH policies are very easy to replace :)

I feel like I actually contributed positively to the forum today...ok...who wants to fight? !? ;)
Toe in the wate....this is a joke...please don't think he's being serious. He wants to know where you're working because LH policies are very easy to replace :)

I feel like I actually contributed positively to the forum today...ok...who wants to fight? !? ;)

Soooooo...u think you're better then me? :err: