Lincoln Heritage

Thank you all for your imput. The video however was the biggest help except I think to woman's pot was too shallow.
I have been in sales my whole life (another field) and earned around 225 -250K during my "prime" years. I don't want to kill myself but I would like 2 make 100K plus or minus. I think the "pig in the python" is now at FE and that there is a growing market that should last and be recession proof. I am worried about two things. 1. quality leads and 2, being fired down the road because I'm not driven to earn you know 300 to 450K. I do think a system is valuable and I've always sold service over price. I will not lie or do a customer wrong and I believe that the best defense against being replaced is how well I did my job and the level of service I offer.
I sincerly am looking for alternatives before I commit to Lincoln Heritage which will be within this month. You guys are the pros in this field so give me a break and well maybe one of your companies are the right one for me. Oh, I'm in Calif.

I have been working with LH in CA for years. They have a good system. Very well known in CA because of all the commercials that they have been running for the last 30 years.

You will get plenty of training and support. Plenty of leads. Great place to get your toes in the water :)

If you would like I can put you in touch with agents from CA that have been with them for a few years. Agents not managers. It can give you a chance to speak with a current agent about their experience with LH.
I just had a conversation about a person whose spouse died and now the search for funds begins after being sold a funeral that really wasn't in the surviving spouse budget.
I just had a conversation about a person whose spouse died and now the search for funds begins after being sold a funeral that really wasn't in the surviving spouse budget.

All they need to do is go with a cheaper funeral. Tell them to call Settlers Life. They will assist them at the time of need and they don't need to purchase anything. Or call the Funeral Consumer Alliance. They will help them.
The problem is the funeral was Saturday but I am assuming do to emotional pressure or stress the person paid more than they wanted to. I'm just wondering if the funeral service may have been a help?

When taking care of funeral preparation many people aren't in their right mind to make even some small decisions.
The problem is the funeral was Saturday but I am assuming do to emotional pressure or stress the person paid more than they wanted to. I'm just wondering if the funeral service may have been a help? When taking care of funeral preparation many people aren't in their right mind to make even some small decisions.

They found a funeral home that gave them credit? That's rare in this day and age.
I'm not up on the specifics but the point is when making arrangements many people may not be thinking straight. So to me as far as funeral planning services they may have some merit.

To me which is just me a $15, $20, $25.000 funeral if finances going forward is questionable might seem kind of excessive. As far as funeral homes and payment I've never dealt directly with them but I'm going to do some research.

Pro or con LH or whatever company many people need coverage and at death arrangements need to be made. Emotions are high.