Mass Strikes Again

Crabcake Johnny

5000 Post Club
Senate vote hits illegal residents - The Boston Globe

I guess liberal is out the window when health care is on the verge of collapse. In 2006 it was "come one come all." Four years later it's:

..."In addition, the amendment would require the state's public health insurance program to verify residency through the Department of Homeland Security..."

Interesting. The state that so smugly thumbed its nose at critics back in '06 by offering coverage to illegal immigrants seems to have done an about face.
The truth is the Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal. Try to find an article like this published by any major media outlet. Try to find any recent communication from the White House comparing the upcoming legislation to the "success" in Mass.

KPBJ.COM | Massachusetts health care is a*bellwether | Business Weekly Article | Don Brunell | KITSAP PENINSULA BUSINESS JOURNAL

There is just rampant denial in the industry at all levels.

Mass, Maine, etc and the guaranteed issue states have proven that we are looking at nothing but cost increases. Agents ask out loud (and why not) why the frig the country would want to head down a path based on a failed model. But of course Obama claims his plan is special.

Then you listen to the agents in regard to how agents have fared in these guaranteed issue states and what the implications are for them based on where we are headed nationally and what you get from many is "no it is different, the guaranteed issue states are all X,Z, and Z and it will be different for us."

Denial is a slippery animal to wrestle with.

A couple points:

a. Our country is obese and has poor health habits. Public or private system, that cost driver isn't going away. Blame the rate increases on the insurance companies, but they are the funding vehicle, not the cost driver.

b. The private system didn't really get a fair shake with all the government mandates and burdens placed on them. Add on that clinics need to recoup their low Medicare payouts on the under 65 market and it only escalated the rate increases dealt out by private insurers.

c. If you think a government run system will work better, take a look at Social Security and Medicare, two programs that are simply unsustainable. The funding will not support the promises made, if they were a private company, they would be out of business, no one would invest more money into them.
And I don't know why you greed-infested agents (which are most of you but not all) are bitching. It's not like any of you give a damn if people are covered or not. It's all about the money and my bet is you will make a fortune selling some kind of supplement, just as many of you do with Medicare ... and I don't see any of you standing up and urging the repeal of THAT program. Why? Follow the money... that's what it is with you guys.


Nice to see that the only way you can make a point is by name calling. You still trying to be the forum bully?

By the way, I sell Medicare and still wish the program would be replaced with private insurance.
