Mass Strikes Again

Perhaps we should just let these leftist morons and decepticon Republicans go ahead and crash the economy and the entire healthcare system. It seems that they are too effing stupid and blind to see that it has NOT worked in other countries, so let them go ahead and drive the bus over the cliff. Maybe it's the only way to get these "progressives" to understand. Granted, they will never admit to failure, but they won't be in power anymore to put any of their socialist plans into practice.
If only the closest one wasn't 30 minutes away...

You could always move closer.

They have a decent wine selection as well, but a bit pricey. They had a case sale (20% off) a few weeks ago. I did take advantage of the savings which made my day. Still have a few bottles left.
Don't know about your Corporate, but I prefer to watch Mad Max, not live it.

Well, I'm definitely with you there, but it appears that the Feds dont seem to give a rats *** what we prefer. They certainly don't care about the constitutionality of a Federal mandate. Perhaps we are headed in that direction whether we like it or not. I sure hope not, but even the ballot box this fall and in 2012 are going to have limited results.