Maybe We Should Start Suing?

I'm a typewriter repairman. I don't like these newfangled keyboard thingies people are allowed to use nowdays.
If there's a need for the job it will be there. If there isn't a need it won't.
I agree with what you're saying to a point. In a "Free-Market" economy if you are tossed out that's the way it goes. But what has happened to insurance agents is due to a government take-over in the "Free-Market"
Newby, thats not funny, I remember going to my dad's office getting on that new electric typewriter. You talking about state of the art. Wish I hadn't cheated in typing class this was all about the time they came out with erasable paper in the mid 60's.
I agree with what you're saying to a point. In a "Free-Market" economy if you are tossed out that's the way it goes. But what has happened to insurance agents is due to a government take-over in the "Free-Market"

You have made a correct statement.
I agree with what you're saying to a point. In a "Free-Market" economy if you are tossed out that's the way it goes. But what has happened to insurance agents is due to a government take-over in the "Free-Market"

I apologize to any payday loan operators or drug dealers I may have offended by comparing them to insurance agents.

I agree with you, it isn't right what the government is doing. My only point has been, fight it the right way, and in a way you can win. This is a political issue, and it needs to be solved as such.

I think a great way to start is by letting all the legislators in their 20s, 30s, and 40s know exactly what the budget is going to look like in ten years. Ask them how they are going to buy votes when there are no spending increases, only budget cuts and tax increase. Until we get politicians out of the mindset of "next election", nothing is going to change. Most politicians are career politicians, so let's make them focus on the later part of the career. Maybe that will be just scary enough to make a difference.
I agree with you, it isn't right what the government is doing. My only point has been, fight it the right way, and in a way you can win. This is a political issue, and it needs to be solved as such.


Two years ago, insurance pacs were contributing two to one to democrats. Now they are contributing two to one to republicans. Basically Obama and company outsmarted them. They decided to side with the dems to get the mandate in return for supporting overall obamacare. Now the mandate is in question and with the mlr's and the industry basically moving over to being a government run program they see that they were suckered as any *** would have seen. Similarly, Obama and Pelosi outsmarted the republicans in January after Obamacare had been defeated by agreeing to go over and meet with Obama and company for a little public seminar chit chat. In the following days right after that, Obama used that little forum the public hearing he needed just before ramming it through reconciliation. IT WAS ALWAYS CRYSTAL CLEAR TO ANY *** THAT THAT WAS WHAT HE WAS DOING. Thus, the the republicans walked right into the trap and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Obamacare was absolutely dead in the water at the time they did that and Pelosi had publicly stated it as well. Then Obama said: "let's talk" and pubs said "I will be right over." Frigging idiots.

You are right when you say that this is a political issue and needs to be solved as such. Unfortunately it is like trying to unscramble an egg at this point. Yeh, the repubs can try to cut funding but it will only make obamacare fail faster which will creates calls for the government to do even more. Just as Obama and Pelosi want. You can fantasize about it creating calls for government deregulation. Not gonna happen. This is a one way street now. Sure, the repubs will succeed in getting more "choice" inserted into a program that is essentially run by the government. If that helps for a year or so.

Frigging McCain, Boner, and McConnel botched this in January about as badly as you can. There is no 20/20 hindsight involved here. People such as myself peed our pants trying to get them to not walk into the lobster trap by going to that Obama sponsored trap in January.. But no, the republicans were hell bent on proving that they are smarter than Pelosi. They are not. Frigging idiots. That is probably the dumbest political move I have seen in my lifetime and that takes in some years. Maybe Wilbur Mills jumping into the tidal basin with Fannie Fox the Argentine Firecracker is up there too but that was more of a personal "misstep" than a politcal move with implications for the country.

Some might call me to task for re-running water over the dam here. That is fair enough. However, let us not pretend that that water has not gone over dam either. There seems to a bit of a discussion here about how "we need to fight this politically." You mean should have fought it effectively. The most you can do now is put lipstick on the pig. Oh yeh, someone is gonna bring a lawsuit and make everything right. Okay fine. Or maybe we need to think about fighting it politcally. Errr....maybe we can all get in a time machine and go back in time too.
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Newby, I heard that Settlers home office is loaded with typewriters----good prospect for a typewriter rtepairman.:goofy:

They got typewriters? I figured they just scratched into the dirt with sticks.

We don't need no fancy typewritin' devices.
The government & the insurance companies will be replacing our positions with low-paid, non licensed "navigators". They have agents that are licensed already in place to do the job a navigator will do and then some.

Good luck on solving this politically...we've seen how that works. BTW, what lobby group or PAC will represent us (the agents) in this so-called "political answer"? The answer is "no one" as we have no allies or power because we never made the effort.
Good luck on solving this politically...we've seen how that works. BTW, what lobby group or PAC will represent us (the agents) in this so-called "political answer"? The answer is "no one" as we have no allies or power because we never made the effort.

Bingo. Sounds like it is time to organize a group that truly represents agents. Why not start locally, you really are passionate about this.