Midyear-2008 Lead Company Update

Yet Vimo shared converted nicely using Leadpod with a lot of solid clients. $4.80 for non-returnable - easy to hit good ROI with that price.

They have cleaned up the problems since Oct-Jan. For me, you cant do any better with the quality, quantity and the Conversion.
Do you mean like the 2 listings (plus 2 more of affiliates) for "home insurance quotes," or the number ONE listing (in the natural listings which get 10 times more clicks than PPC) for "free home insurance quotes," or the 2 listings (1 natural, 1 affiliate) for "homeowners insurance quotes," or the top 5 affiliate listing for "free health insurance quotes," OR the 2 listings (1 affiliate) for "health insurance quotes," or the 3 listings (1 natural, 1 affiliate, one PPC of ours) for "auto insurance quotes"

Not interested in Home Owners Insurance Leads or Auto Insurance leads. Health is what we are concerned with, so you pretty much explained HTQ marketing strategy. Affiliate problems with HTQ's gets posted quite often on this forum, more than any other Vendor I have seen, So I will leave it at that.
There's no perfect solution. The same agents who cry about bad leads also cry when there's low volume. Agents want a high volume of "great" leads but here's the rub: most people trolling the net for quotes are broke or have health issues.

That why it's all going to be about taking the good with the bad and pulling out your numbers.

I am not a fan of lead companies that over-sell leads or provide links to Ehealth - but the pickings are slim regarding providers that can provide volume. My biggest issue is email spam, "win a free Ipod" and surveys.

We could tear into any lead source and find flaws with the ways they generate leads. There are simply too many companies bidding on "the good" keywords and if leads were limited to only solid search-driven leads using the best keywords we'd all be getting 5 leads a week. There's simply too much competition.
The only way you're going to make it in this business if buying leads is your only method is:

A "return on investment" mentality

Too many new agents critique each lead and get frustrated. I get calls and emails during the day "John, I just got three leads and this is the issue...."


If you want to work leads you need a pipeline. Far too many agents cancel before or at the 20 lead mark. You need far more than that before you start writing consistent business.

Even the worst sources provide a return on investment. You can close 1 out of 30 at $7 and still net a decent profit.

The issue becomes agents on a budget receive low volume - 5 or less leads a day then go crazy to "close" the few leads they're receiving. Then everything sucks - the leads suck, this business sucks, etc...

Sad to say but this is a business you're running. Without at least $300 per week (BARE minimum) at a six week time frame before commissions start coming in (and that's with advances) you're either cold calling or you're out of the business.
dmiller90 said:
Not interested in Home Owners Insurance Leads or Auto Insurance leads. Health is what we are concerned with, so you pretty much explained HTQ marketing strategy.

Huh? You lost me. I included a sample of all lines. I could have include 250,000+ health related keywords if you want, but that would be overkill.

You asked for keywords, not health insurance keywords. Thus, I included a sample, which included some health keywords. I had 4 P&C keywords and 2 health. That is an average of 2 for each line of the three. So, again, what was your point?

I am quite sure that there are people here who do care about auto, homeowners, etc. P&C agents are people too! :D

Anyway, it's clear you aren't reading the full posts, just seeing what you want to see. To each his own.
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'tis true and everyone has to remember that information posted on this board is simply that - information....based on the perspective of the person posting.

I fell into this trap over a year ago on the original Leadpod thread in which a lot of members tore 'em up and even I piped in with my views without even trying them.

When members post about personal experiences that's one thing. When members post about things they have no personal experience with that's different.

Not to say that posts by members without personal experience on the topic are worthless - they simply have to be put in perspective.
Not interested in Home Owners Insurance Leads or Auto Insurance leads. Health is what we are concerned with, so you pretty much explained HTQ marketing strategy. Affiliate problems with HTQ's gets posted quite often on this forum, more than any other Vendor I have seen, So I will leave it at that.

Please speak for yourself, not for me. I don't really care about health quotes, but auto and homeowners are the real money (for me). Please don't generalize for everyone.
