Monumental Life

jdeasy said:
I don't misunderstand what the FCGS does and does not do. And I'm not biased against Suburus, it's all foreign crap.

But, to be serious for a second. You know me and you and are are competitors but you would never say that I'm dishonest or misleading about anything except in jest.

JD, you know I like to keep people guessing.

All I'm going to say is JD has NOT been good for me.

LH has been very good for me.

I will say that I know JD and I know his over riding manager at EFES. J D does not get any incentive to promote EFES. He is just a passionate about calling out things he doesn't like as things he does like. JD believes everything he says 100%. And he's about 88% accurate in my opinion.
Ok folks, here is what im going to say. Obviously, i dont have the seniority Jd has on here. You all known each other for some time now and to be honest i am a little dissapointed this is all ive really contributed so far. I do find it funny tho, that its always the same couple of guys who back up JD, every time anyone says something bad about him. its obvious, but i do respect the loyalty.

I think i found a new favorite hobby (as sad as it is) going through jd's old posts and finding all the hypocritical things hes posted. believe me there are TONS.

I even found them on jd's friends where they say jd isnt biased, ok obviously we're all biased. haha which one is it???

I have copy and pasted on to word, and there are dozens more diamonds in the rough. anyone who wants a copy can pm me. Dont you just love the truth?

There are patterns ive noticed

1. tons of efes threads. Why?
2. Jd in every single one.
3. JD tries his best to guide every full time fe agent toward efes. not recruiting just telling them how they are the best ever.
4. If anyone says something bad about efes, Jd takes it personally and immaturely insults
5. Jd gets back up by friends.

Does he often times have good info - absolutely. almost most of the time. Is he 1000% biased towards getting people to sign up with efes? I think so. but then again, thats just me and my 100 jd quotes haha. Is he the most fair, straitshooter out there? HECK no, you can often times find the one guy in there who is telling it like it is, and then have jd blabbing about how great they are.

here's what i think, IMHO, Jds mom never taught him what lieing by ommission means. He doesnt lie, but conveniently, leaves out several important facts.
"How much are leads?" - newby
"I pay $11. but im special, you dont get that price unless youre cool like me" - Jd

Is that a lie? obviously not. Is it misleading ? very. He obviously doesnt even know the truth, because he gets the startup packages wrong like 5 times. I have it copy and pasted. Hes been corrected and still says its cheaper than it is. Coincidence? He tries his best, way harder than anybody on here, to steer every body that has an imo/fmo question to go to efes.

Its not like its written in chinese. Its plain english.

I do have one question jd, and you dont have to answer. But i am curious, what is your main carrier that you write through?

I thought you were just uninformed and misguided, but now it appears that you are just dishonest.

I Have never said the things you just posted. I've never said that pay $11 per lead because I'm "special" and I've never led anyone to believe that it's easy or likely to get to that level. Only that it's possible.

Now, I have referred people to Newby for contracts, so, to you I must be a recruiter for Newby. I have referred people to Frank Statsny, so to you I must be a recruiter for Frank. I have referred people to Todd King, so to you I must be a recruiter for Todd. I have referred people to Josh, so to you I must be a recruiter for Josh. I have even referred people to Greg, so I must also be a recruiter for him, too? See how this works?

As for the start up costs with EFES, you are simply just lying. I have never said that I know what the start up costs are. I don't keep up with that stuff as I have no reason to. I do know what it was when I signed up. I can't for the life of me figure out why you can't get that through your head. I didn't even know that they had changed to several different level of start up packages until someone posted here on the forums last year. When that lady put it on here there was one package for less than $200. Do they still have that? I don't know or care. But, for you keep claiming that I don't the start up costs and am lying about it is just flat out false. I do not know what they are and have not said anything different. I do know that there is not just one set of start up costs. That varies by the managers. So, you have a list from one manager. Good for you! Just because it hurts your feelings to find out that there was better options out there and you didn't check on them before signing does not mean that you can just call me a liar. Especially over something I never said.

Then you even put quotation marks around something I never said. Just proves that you can't be trusted. Then to bring my Mom into it just shows that you are a lowlife snake.

There is also no ommission from me about anything pertaining to EFES. I tell people to not buy into the marketer talk about how easy it is and how agents make tons of money only working two days a week. But, everyone that posts here regularly already knows that your claims are false.

What do you care what carrier I use?
swift, you have to much time on your hand. Yes JD speaks well of EFES, but he also spook well of securus, and other IMO'S. If you read his posts, you will find, he is a good source, to find information. I don't know him personally, just from this fourm. This forum is to pass information, JD is a top dog in FE. When he speaks, we all listen...
Jeez now this is just getting too dumb and retarded to merit a response. but i think ill give you one anyways...

I thought you were just uninformed and misguided, but now it appears that you are just dishonest.

I Have never said the things you just posted. I've never said that pay $11 per lead because I'm "special" and I've never led anyone to believe that it's easy or likely to get to that level. Only that it's possible.

Wow are you serious? Did you just take me literally on "special" haha youve been told you were special before havent you?

Now, I have referred people to Newby for contracts, so, to you I must be a recruiter for Newby. I have referred people to Frank Statsny, so to you I must be a recruiter for Frank. I have referred people to Todd King, so to you I must be a recruiter for Todd. I have referred people to Josh, so to you I must be a recruiter for Josh. I have even referred people to Greg, so I must also be a recruiter for him, too? See how this works?

Frank Statsny, now youre just grasping for straws.

As for the start up costs with EFES, you are simply just lying. I have never said that I know what the start up costs are. I don't keep up with that stuff as I have no reason to. I do know what it was when I signed up. I can't for the life of me figure out why you can't get that through your head. I didn't even know that they had changed to several different level of start up packages until someone posted here on the forums last year. When that lady put it on here there was one package for less than $200. Do they still have that? I don't know or care. But, for you keep claiming that I don't the start up costs and am lying about it is just flat out false. I do not know what they are and have not said anything different. I do know that there is not just one set of start up costs. That varies by the managers. So, you have a list from one manager. Good for you! Just because it hurts your feelings to find out that there was better options out there and you didn't check on them before signing does not mean that you can just call me a liar. Especially over something I never said.

If you dont know, then why are you telling people what the start up costs are? I repeat myself, if you dont know then shut up. Yes you did know, because some corrected you like a month ago. Or would you like me to post that for you again?
Try and defend yourself, deny, deny, blame shift, then tell me what my own feelings are. Whatever man.

Then you even put quotation marks around something I never said. Just proves that you can't be trusted. Then to bring my Mom into it just shows that you are a lowlife snake.

Oh waaa, feeling sorry for ourself now? This is pure desperation

There is also no ommission from me about anything pertaining to EFES. I tell people to not buy into the marketer talk about how easy it is and how agents make tons of money only working two days a week. But, everyone that posts here regularly already knows that your claims are false.

Whatever dude, i dont even need to read anymore. Its all the same stuff. You are completely predicatable.

What do you care what carrier I use?

I dont care its just an honest question. Who do you write all youre business with?

But OK man, lets put this behind us. You have your version I have mine. Lets just agree to disagree k? Can we do that?

I do have a couple questions for you tho, that id like to ask. Just honest questions - we all know you get 15 leads a week how many of those do you sell? Is it true that you dont sell graded plans? and where in the heck does all that business go?

Admittedly, you are extremely knowledgable, id like to know what you do so i can do better.
Ok folks, here is what im going to say. Obviously, i dont have the seniority Jd has on here. You all known each other for some time now and to be honest i am a little dissapointed this is all ive really contributed so far. I do find it funny tho, that its always the same couple of guys who back up JD, every time anyone says something bad about him. its obvious, but i do respect the loyalty.

I think i found a new favorite hobby (as sad as it is) going through jd's old posts and finding all the hypocritical things hes posted. believe me there are TONS.

I even found them on jd's friends where they say jd isnt biased, ok obviously we're all biased. haha which one is it???

I have copy and pasted on to word, and there are dozens more diamonds in the rough. anyone who wants a copy can pm me. Dont you just love the truth?

There are patterns ive noticed

1. tons of efes threads. Why?
2. Jd in every single one.
3. JD tries his best to guide every full time fe agent toward efes. not recruiting just telling them how they are the best ever.
4. If anyone says something bad about efes, Jd takes it personally and immaturely insults
5. Jd gets back up by friends.

Does he often times have good info - absolutely. almost most of the time. Is he 1000% biased towards getting people to sign up with efes? I think so. but then again, thats just me and my 100 jd quotes haha. Is he the most fair, straitshooter out there? HECK no, you can often times find the one guy in there who is telling it like it is, and then have jd blabbing about how great they are.

here's what i think, IMHO, Jds mom never taught him what lieing by ommission means. He doesnt lie, but conveniently, leaves out several important facts.
"How much are leads?" - newby
"I pay $11. but im special, you dont get that price unless youre cool like me" - Jd

Is that a lie? obviously not. Is it misleading ? very. He obviously doesnt even know the truth, because he gets the startup packages wrong like 5 times. I have it copy and pasted. Hes been corrected and still says its cheaper than it is. Coincidence? He tries his best, way harder than anybody on here, to steer every body that has an imo/fmo question to go to efes.

Its not like its written in chinese. Its plain english.

I do have one question jd, and you dont have to answer. But i am curious, what is your main carrier that you write through?

Dude! You really need to get a life! You have way to much time on your hands.

First of all, seniority has nothing to do with it. And, as far as being JD's "friends", I don't know about the others but I have never met him nor spoken to him. However, I tend to defend people when it appears they are being unfairly attacked.. Did it with Josh; with Rick and with Greg and I don't know them either.

I have gained knowledge from many of JD's posts and appreciate them. I have aalso taken issue with some of what he has had to say. Once, it was to the point that I decided I was out of line and sent him a PM to apologize. That is the only time an email or PM has been transmitted between us.

It is easy to take a single post out of a thread and make it mean what you want it to mean and you seem to enjoy doing that if it backs up your rant as you are doing with the "biased"

How would the quoted conversation between Newby and JD mislead anyone? Even though based on truth (as even you admit), anyone without an agenda to push can see what JD said was a joke. reardon posted I was 80 years old..He and I have met.. He knows I am not a day over 78..:) .. I guess I should tell everybody he is misleading them or is a liar?
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