N/A or Phone Call Screenings on the Increase ?

In the bold print above, you make it sound as if you dialed 25 leads just one time each. That won't work for you too well.

That is exactly what I said, I called them one time and wanted to write about the n/a and screen monitoring about that bout of calls. I wanted to see if others had the same response from one batch of calls and if they were/are experiencing more n/a and screen monitoring than normal when doing that on their first batch.
I know more calls would reach more people, that is very obvious, but that was not my question.
That is exactly what I said, I called them one time and wanted to write about the n/a and screen monitoring about that bout of calls. I wanted to see if others had the same response from one batch of calls and if they were/are experiencing more n/a and screen monitoring than normal when doing that on their first batch.
I know more calls would reach more people, that is very obvious, but that was not my question.

Hey Paulie,

Make sure you don't over analyze this. Obviously, some weeks a higher % will be home, other weeks a higher % will be females, a higher % screening calls, a higher % with no bank accounts, a higher % of lay downs, etc., etc.

Good selling!
That is exactly what I said, I called them one time and wanted to write about the n/a and screen monitoring about that bout of calls. I wanted to see if others had the same response from one batch of calls and if they were/are experiencing more n/a and screen monitoring than normal when doing that on their first batch.
I know more calls would reach more people, that is very obvious, but that was not my question.

Out of 15 leads set 8 appointments. 5 couldn't meet. 1 no number and 1 said forget it which I wrote pay visit on lol.

so out of my 20 leads I have 5 left over for my next appointment setting session.
This was Saturday at 6 p.m.