NEED: A "killer" Way to Set Appointments!

You answered your own question. Lead cards/direct mailers are not good mathematically. Get pre set appts from a reputable company and eliminate the chase. It's such a time killer. Spend your time in front of clients, not on the phone. That is the difference in someone who sells 1 or 2 FE policies a week and someone who sells 6-8. Yeah, you pay a little more but the return is much better. I did 20,232 in annual premium last month all on pre sets. Yeah I paid $960 for the appts but I think that is a pretty good return. This market (FE) is easy if you are getting in front of enough qualified prospects, if not it is just like banging your head against the wall.
I'm just trying to help. How many threads do you see that have the same theme? "I'm not seeing enough prospects". I'm simply saying it is usually not a function of sales ability. It is a problem with marketing. How are you spending your time, in front of qualified prospects or on the phone, or putting together mailers, or knocking doors. All of those may work, but which is the most effective?

It seems you were asking me for my lead provider in another thread in the category of "Leads". Why were you searching for better ways to get leads? Do you need some help? Maybe others do as well. You asked me. I didn't approach you. I'm trying to share my successes with others so they may benefit and for some reason it seems to irritate you. Instead of attacking me why don't you attack my point that pre sets work?

Here is my formula. Get good contracts. Get good pre set leads. Sell FE. Seems to work for me.
You have to be careful with pre-sets for personal lines the premiums are low and will not justify the cost of the service. If you do decide to go that direction investigate the firm and DO NOT sign a contract if they produce and are good at it why the contract? You guys in my opinion are in the toughest sales game there is so hiring a headache will and does suck, I wish my firm called on FE but it just doesn't promote a good relationship between both company's, so I can only answer questions and help out I hope it works out for you.