Need Advise ASAP

I am a Farmers agency owner in Ohio and am not sure why he would tell you you need 40 policies a month. First of all, if he's asking you do write 40, he probably knows that realistically (as a new sales person), you'll be lucky to write 20. Secondly, his contract is over so he doesn't have any real requirements as set forth by the company.

Seems to me that someone in his position needs to do more than he is doing to help you market or you are a waste of his time and he is also a waste of yours.

As for the $2K a month draw - guess what? You'll probably end up owing him money. You said you are a single mom and "hoping" is not an option. I would not put myself in this position if I were you. The circumstances are not right (IMO).

You mentioned that his wife's accounting agency is upstairs - THAT is a big part of the reason he is successful. HOWEVER, if he's telling you that his agency alone is making $70K a month (not taking into account his wife's business, I don't think this is truthful. There's no way that just 7 years in he's making over $800,000 a year. No way. Put it this way, Farmers provides us with leads from one of our sister companies and I am one of the top writers in the country and I will be lucky to make $70K for the ENTIRE year. (Granted, I am only six months in, vs. his 7 years in), but I have had 6 years of overall experience in the industry, 3 of which were with Farmers before I even went career so I know what I am doing, I know what it takes, and I have a feeling he's blowing smoke up your rear.

And why is he 7 years in with 1300 clients that only have monoline policies? This is extremely rare for someone that has good help (as you stated he told you he does). It shouldn't be that way...

I'd be interested to find out - what are your quota requirements after those first 90 days are up?

There are too many things that smell bad in this deal for you...not to mention lots of unanswered questions and seemingly mis-truths.
I remember taking personality tests and once it asked the question about approaching friends and family i ran to the door. Most of these companies hire and hire and see if you stick and if not who cares they got all your friends and family bringing in a monthly commish to them. Run dont walk and find a company that has a lead generation method.