News & Info Related To 2017 Open Enrollment

Minny Sota just imploded.

If cut offs become a common theme in other states, it means you possibly only get to work for 15-30 days of OEP before commish / plans are cut off.

'Emergency' for Minnesota as huge insurance premium hikes confirmed – Twin Cities

Insurance companies on the individual market will increase their premiums between 50 percent and 67 percent, on average — among the largest increases in the nation. Meanwhile provider networks on those plans will shrink, and almost all the plans will put caps on the number of total customers they accept.

Medica's two plans will stop enrollment at 50,000 combined customers, HealthPartners and Group Health at a combined 72,000 enrollees and UCare at 30,000. Only BluePlus will have no cap.

Holy Christmas...this looks real bad!

When you "cap" enrollment, all the sick people enroll first, and the healthier people miss out.

It's a DUMB, ILLOGICAL, STUPID methodology. Just ask Land of Lincoln Health Co-op here in Illinois. They shut down enrollment on 12/31/2015 @ 50,000 insured, and proceeded to blow through cash at an unbelievable rate, with very little inflow of cash from healthy people.

The executives who run these health insurance companies may have Ivy League degrees, but their common sense is in the dumper...and has been since Obama bamboozled them in 2009. (Just ask our wise member, Somarco. He's said this all along.)
This is what being replaced with insufficient resources looks like:

Test looms for CT's insurance exchange |

Despite that, he said the exchange aims to boost enrollment to somewhere between 115,000 and 125,000.

brokers — a key sales channel over the past three years that accounted for approximately 40 percent of exchange customers

The 20 brokers to be hired by Faneuil will be the only Access Health representatives legally authorized to offer advice on plan selection to customers. It will be up to Faneuil, which has operated several other exchanges, to take on much of the added customer volume. Carriers have also beefed up their in-house broker teams.

So, 125k X 40% = 50,000 divided by 20 brokers = 2500 people for each broker.
Divided by 45 days = 55 people per day per broker. Ain't happenin'



And this must give Dems nightmares, and Repub's an Ah Ha moment.
A Co-Op being bought by private for profit investors. Oh, the horror.
Viewer Warning!!! strong irony in bold below.

The outcome represents the latest blow to one of the most idealistic aspects of the ACA, which sought to foster consumer-friendly counterweights to big insurers and provide more choices and better coverage. "Healthcare. Only braver," Evergreen's website touts. "For far too long, health insurance carriers have put profits ahead of people. We were founded by healthcare leaders who believe there's a better way forward — for the health of Maryland and for future of healthcare in America."

Under the deal approved Monday by Evergreen's governing board, a group of private equity investors, will take it over from the federal government. Evergreen also has arranged for a temporary loan to sustain operations for the next several months until the conversion is completed, Beilenson said. The identity of the investors, as well as the loan amount, will become public next month as part of a state regulatory hearing.
"FOR PROFIT" = Much Higher premiums + Narrower Network. Evergreen will fail before it reaches profit, just like Oscar.
"FOR PROFIT" = Much Higher premiums + Narrower Network. Evergreen will fail before it reaches profit, just like Oscar.

They won't make it through 2017 unless that private equity firm has a bottomless barrel of cash. They are the lowest priced carrier in MD and were surprised by a $23 million risk adjustment payment for 2015. At some point, someone will say the bleeding has to stop. I told some folks yesterday it would be more fun to literally watch a pile of cash burn then fund this disaster.
We seeing many went to christian health riskshare plans...many go uninsured

Would you do a MEC plan + higher deductible STM for someone like that? Just got info about that option yesterday. MEC plan prevents penalty. Also could add CI, ACC, etc.

I have a prospect who is looking to spend half of the quoted ACA plan amount. Glad I won't have to say the Christian health option is the only way. STM is actual insurance, granted no pre-ex, but that pre-ex/decline to take as member due to pre-ex is also possible on the sharing plans.