Niche Markets

I am still in the process of trying to find some niche markets around town.

I am in the process of taking flyers around to many apartment complexes that require renters insurance and get my foot in the door that way.

Also, I have begun getting owners names of Mini-Storage places and am still working on my script for calling them.

What are some niche markets that people on here have used with reasonable success? I know one of our carriers have a good market for Doctor's Offices, but those seem very hard to get to the decision makers.

Anyone have any good ideas?
Thank you for your help Mayor. Very positive...
I was trying to be positive.But maybe I was too short or maybe I misunderstood your original post.......

I am not an expert in the insurance field...been in it less than a month...but, the first day I was in the agency, a carrier came in and said they have a competitive self storage package. I took it as a niche that fell in my lap. I googled my state's self storage assoc. It had all the locations, owners and phone numbers. I already had a very basic script, as in " I would like an appointment".Out of 35 calls, I got 8 appointments, which was a couple hours work business out of the 3 I've met with yet( 1 had a great policy in place, 2 with x dates much later this year)...but, it was face time.The face time helped me to learn more info that might help sell the other appointments.

So...with a couple hours work, here's what I learned:I never would have taken the distant x dates, but with no customer base, it was a chance for practice face time and learn the self store industry needs. There is a low cost ins agency that is a member of the assoc that will be hard to beat, but not impossible.Some of the listings are owned by a Nat'l company, not much chance in landing those.I also left a few cards with those appointments, saying,"Even if we don't do business, I'm sure you have friends or customers that may have insurance needs...please pass these along'. I got 1 call ( a small fab shop that uses one of the self stores)that I have to follow up with.So, with a couple hours...I got 9 total leads,1 was dead and the rest remain to be seen. That is 9 more appointments than I had when I started that morning.

Same with your doctors may get through to one who can give you more info on how to get to others,as well as a possible sale!With that info, you can always call the others back.

I'm all for being prepared when making a call...but make the production like an indie film 1 day shoot as opposed to a George Lucas epic.Maybe I'm taking it wrong when you say you're "working" on in you're putting too much time into it. I'm not busting your chops here, but you asked about this 4 days ago, and socalbroker gave you some great advice.I had 8 appointments before noon on my second day on the job...I didn't know where to find pens or how to work the coffee machine here (hell, I still don't)...but I had appointments. And I'm an old guy who has never been called the sharpest tool in the shed. I bet there's someone calling on your prospects right now, while you are working on your that script will have to make Shakespeare envious...and if you're going to do a mailer, you'd need to have Monet hand paint them.

This isn't the easiest or most perfect system or plan (if you find one, lmk...I'll buy 2!), but...
Unless you already have so many customers and too many sales on the burner( I know I don't!), what have you got to loose?.And all this may just get you a refferal or 2.

Life ( and business) is what happens while you're making plans.

And contrary to the Staples commercial...there is no "EASY" button....or maybe I'm just to dumb to find it. Every time I try to order one at Staples, it's out of stock with no due date...which leads me to believe it doesn't exist and is a false lead in.

But if I'm wrong, please clue me in. If there is a better system...I'd love to learn it.

Was this positive?
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Thank you very much. That really was some good advice. As of yesterday, after reading your post, I said to hell with figuring out what to say, I am calling the people I have on the list and whats the worst that can happen?

I said the basic "A carrier of ours has a great market for mini-storage warehouses and I would love to come and meet with you."

I called 10 places and have 3 appointments for next week!

We will have to see how those go, but I agree the only way I will get clients is to call, call, call and then call.

"To hell with a good script..."
Luv it gents ... ACTION !!!

Point .... FIRE .... AIM - easier to direct a rolling stone than an entrenched stump. Perfect it on the fly ...

Now you need an effective way to keep top of mind between initial appointment, the X-Date, and the renewal Data Gathering appointment.

... well that and a post appointment or post cold call FOLLOW UP System ;)

Send A10 envelopes at your own peril boys. Your competition will be using the Ultimate Insurance Marketing System against you soon enough.

I have a stellar - Post Appointment / Post Meeting at networking event / Thanks for your "business card" follow up campaign - ready to rock - log on - click click click - done. Big Impression in 3-5 days after I click.

Its in the signature below

Using this forum to try and make money off participants is pretty douchey. Unless, of course, you are actually paying the forum provider money for advertising your services. In that case, as a financial supporter of the forum, it is tolerable.

If every single person on this forum used it to post blatant advertisements such as yours for whatever thing they were trying to hustle, this site would not survive as people would flee to find actual content and discussions.
Thanks for your feedback DT1970 ...

If the forum search tool functioned properly - I suspect you'd find that my post ratio of non "salesy" and helpful informative [ or attempts at help] are well within an acceptable ratio. I can assure you Ive made more than a whopping 18 contributions towards helping others with answers they were seeking.

and your contribution to this thread was?
Irrespective of your advice to others, you are still trying to make money off forum participants.

I ask you again...have you offered to pay the owners of this forum to advertise your services?

My guess is no.

As I stated earlier, if everyone did as you do, this forum would be reduced to garbage and people would go elsewhere.

The number of posts I have made do not, in any way, negate the truth of what I'm saying.
Point was - why not quit yer bitching and put up some value added content yourself.

So you mean if everyone did as I did, and posted 150 times items that were helpful and PM'd people helpful data that they asked for AND 30 posts discussing a link in my signature - the site would be garbage?

Or would it go to hell faster with a bunch of 1 line posts - oh say 20 or so - of whining and bitching with absolutely Zero value like the ones you provide us all?

Irrespective of your opinion, Ive had a few guys here send me a thank you note or two for giving them pointers and some assistance - totally unrelated to links in my signature.

Have you offered to send the owner of this site a check for mooching all the free info from others shared here? If not then, how about you take some of your own advice and pay it forward some before you bitch n moan all day.

Arent you coming here to take pearls of wisdom and knowledge and apply them to your practice to make $$$. So arent YOU coming here to make money off the other posters ...

Irrespective of your advice to others, you are still trying to make money off forum participants.

I ask you again...have you offered to pay the owners of this forum to advertise your services?

My guess is no.

As I stated earlier, if everyone did as you do, this forum would be reduced to garbage and people would go elsewhere.

The number of posts I have made do not, in any way, negate the truth of what I'm saying.