Looking for Niche Product

STI - I don't appreciate you ripping off my blog post from 2010. You copied it WORD for WORD on your page. Here's my page:

Marijuana Life Insurance

I briefly scanned through your website and found other pages you copied from my blog WORD for WORD:

Including halfway down your Zander page:
Texas Life Insurance

My Blog:
Zander Insurance Review

Please take this content down immediately. I spend hours every week writing unique content for the purpose of it being UNIQUE.

You got and sorry about that.....it was test about duplication of content and if would rank.... have not received a lead for those terms and are not on any keyword search I have done.......just interesting topics to see how they rank....I will give you all the pothead leads I get out of state.......
You got and sorry about that.....it was test about duplication of content and if would rank.... have not received a lead for those terms and are not on any keyword search I have done.......just interesting topics to see how they rank....I will give you all the pothead leads I get out of state.......

I appreciate it.
You got and sorry about that.....it was test about duplication of content and if would rank.... have not received a lead for those terms and are not on any keyword search I have done.......just interesting topics to see how they rank....I will give you all the pothead leads I get out of state.......

Viable or not stealing is stealing...

That's pretty rough. I thought you just trolled these forms. Your trolling in real life too...

How is Jroot suposed to know if you generate leads or not.

So it's fair to say you were testing the effects of other peoples efforts in maximizing your profitability? Interesting.

Viable or not stealing is stealing...

That's pretty rough. I thought you just trolled these forms. Your trolling in real life too...

How is Jroot suposed to know if you generate leads or not.

So it's fair to say you were testing the effects of other peoples efforts in maximizing your profitability? Interesting.


Agreed. A thief is a thief. Why would any of us believe this hasn't happened on other sites as well.

I have my own issues with Scott. Honesty had not been an issue until now.

Viable or not stealing is stealing...

That's pretty rough. I thought you just trolled these forms. Your trolling in real life too...

How is Jroot suposed to know if you generate leads or not.

So it's fair to say you were testing the effects of other peoples efforts in maximizing your profitability? Interesting.


the huffington post does it on a daily basis......you can only spin insurance so far to were it is only a mesh of the same information reworded over and over again.....or you can scrap it.....
the huffington post does it on a daily basis......you can only spin insurance so far to were it is only a mesh of the same information reworded over and over again.....or you can scrap it.....

Or you can take the time to actually write your own content instead of stealing another person's work.

or I can pay someone in India to do it........or put it in a program to do it......


This will be my last post on this subject because I know how quick you are to put stuff in the fight club.

Please explain how advertising a site on the forum that has content stolen does not violate (at least in spirit) the following forum rules. As moderator, I would have hoped Sam would hold you to at least as high a standard as he would hold me.

Please do not post entire articles from other sites. If you wish to draw attention to an article from another site, please provide a link and one or two sentences. Posting entire articles is almost always a copyright violation.

I'm done with you.

Please do not post entire articles from other sites. If you wish to draw attention to an article from another site, please provide a link and one or two sentences. Posting entire articles is almost always a copyright violation.

I'm done with you.


you are right....and have started threads here with the whole article posted....but with always a link to it.......but seems to be the norm on the net.....will not happen again.....
Now, back to the thread subject.

I have tons of niche products if anyone needs any help, just contact me.