Looking for Niche Product

How about term life insurance? Go ask 50-75 people per day if they are interested in life insurance. When you find one, whip out an app and get them qualified!

Bam! There is a niche market---it just takes work! You should write at least 3 per week--at least!
If someone has carved out a niche, why would they give it up for free? That is why you are getting BS responses. Do your own research and find a profitable niche. When you hit on one that works, I'm sure you won't come running back here to announce it.

STI - I don't appreciate you ripping off my blog post from 2010. You copied it WORD for WORD on your page. Here's my page:

Marijuana Life Insurance

I briefly scanned through your website and found other pages you copied from my blog WORD for WORD:

Including halfway down your Zander page:
Texas Life Insurance

My Blog:
Zander Insurance Review

Please take this content down immediately. I spend hours every week writing unique content for the purpose of it being UNIQUE.
STI - I don't appreciate you ripping off my blog post from 2010. You copied it WORD for WORD on your page. Here's my page:

Marijuana Life Insurance

I briefly scanned through your website and found other pages you copied from my blog WORD for WORD:

Including halfway down your Zander page:
Texas Life Insurance

My Blog:
Zander Insurance Review

Please take this content down immediately. I spend hours every week writing unique content for the purpose of it being UNIQUE.

Scott has a ton of websites. I wonder how much of them reflect his work vs. the work of others.

Not accusing but just assuming based upon the evidence above.

I also want this information to remain on the main forum and not be moved to the fight club. This is important for everyone to see.

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