No GI with Columbian

Another guaranteed issue product that had Wednesday draft dates has died how the freak hard is it for a carrier to come up with a product that actually drafts on dates people get paid.

The insurance companies have staffs that don't know how to do technical stuff like that. It's just a coding thing. And it's not a full time job, you just need someone to write the code and implement in their billing system.

They're just not taking the time or money to do it.
Another guaranteed issue product that had Wednesday draft dates has died how the freak hard is it for a carrier to come up with a product that actually drafts on dates people get paid.
I've never had occasion to try writing Gerber for a Wednesday draft. Are you saying they don't do that?
This should be no surprise.

Gerber is next, followed by AIG.

Exploiting a niche ruins a product line.

So if you don't have healthy people applying a GI product is nearly impossible to make profitable long term.