Not a Bad FE Day.

By CI, I assume you mean Critical Illness and not a Cancer Plan. I use AGLA for the few CI that I write. For cancer, I personally prefer the benefit incurred plans over the lump sum and I use AGLA and Central United. Seems most companies that write Cancer plans have gone to UMP Sum First Occurrence plans and good expense incurred plans are getting hard to find.

Why do you prefer the benefit incurred plans over the lump sum and why AGLA over Central United or vice versa?
Why do you prefer the benefit incurred plans over the lump sum and why AGLA over Central United or vice versa?

The benefit incurred plans tend to be a little less premium for the potential payout. AGLA is a better plan at younger ages , CU at older ages. If you are doing payroll cases, CU has a composite rate that is the same for all ages. AGLA doesn't.
The benefit incurred plans tend to be a little less premium for the potential payout. AGLA is a better plan at younger ages , CU at older ages. If you are doing payroll cases, CU has a composite rate that is the same for all ages. AGLA doesn't.

Thank you. Up until now I have not looked at cancer insurance but my wife (works at a school) brought something home from UTA about cancer today and got my wheels turning.
If you're Independent you can get a decent contract for UTA from Great American in Austin, TX. Tell Billy Blunt that Bob sent you!

Yes, that's his real name! He's an excellent guy. Gave me a release from a contract no hassles.
I've never been a huge fan of cancer insurance but only because I never sold it much, never really tried, something tells me if I sold it more often I would like it.
Simple. They don't know what they don't know.

Debit agents = Employee mentality
Independent agents = Business owner mentality

Its funny, my mother in-law is a debit agent. Has been for 12 years now...she does the same thing's I do daily but makes a fraction of the income I make.......they love their "employee" benefits.

I have never understood it.

Been reading the forum about a month now and very intrigued by your comments/advice...I was captive with AGLA for almost a year back in 1998 here in NC then left the industry but have been self employed ever since mostly at my own brick/mortar business location in small town. Planning a return to life insurance sales as an indy with some focus on larger metro areas not far from me and putting together a plan of outreach/marketing myself and very much want to incorporate cold DK'ing as well even though it petrifies me lol!! Petrify may be an overstatement but you get the idea, not on my turf anymore but theirs. Anyway really curious what companies/products you focus on with your cold door knock expense or traditional and if you do more than life products?? Thanks so much.
I've never been a huge fan of cancer insurance but only because I never sold it much, never really tried, something tells me if I sold it more often I would like it.

Addresses a need.. simple presentation.. simple application..never had cancer, HIV, they qualify .. Quick Issue .. No PHI.. No Physical.. No Fluids.. 60%+ first year comission -12%+ renewals for life (except AGLA) . persistency as good as life.. Wider market than FE. 0 -69+. What's not to like as long as you believe in the product?