Obama's Worst Nightmare


5000 Post Club
You know the saying: You live by the sword, you die by the sword. The financial meltdown last fall gave Obama unprecedented opportunity to spend and increase government power. However,his worst nightmare is happening now. California is going to melt down right in the middle of the budget wars over heathcare. This is an absolute dream come true for conseratives who need concrete proof of what living beyond your means can look like. I know it is kind of rough on our brethen here from California but it is a national discussion that needs to be had and now is better than later.

California is now curtailing rape prosecutions because they cant fund the crime labs. Here we go. Its going to get rough. Hopefully my state will reach crisis mode too when we overturn the recent tax increases in the fall referendums. Might as well get this spendaholic crap over with at both the fed and state levels while we can. Next year will be too late.

I am planning to become a temporary Libertarian for the next few months just to take a little walk on the wild side. I know you can relate Al.

California Budget Cuts Could Cause 'Public Safety Emergency' - ProPublica

I'm surprised we got one here in Florida so easily as there is no lack of nitwit politicos in the Sunshine State.

You don't hear as much about it as California, but the high theater is in New York. It's featured a coup d'etat, lockouts, bare knuckle fights, lawsuits, parallel sessions and the like.

Makes some of the banana republics look positively civilized.

Yeh, well that's the thing. Some people are making like the rest of the country and the feds are just telling California to eat cake and tough it out. Problem is, once Obama starts down that road, the other 56 states will be right behind, so who wants to open that pandora's box.

The other thing that is scarry is that most states, including mine, plugged their budgets bigtime with one-shot stimulus funds and the assumption that the economy will pick up and provide continuity of revenues. Sure, did you ever buy something based on that sale you have not made yet. How did that work out?

Arnold's "tweet" from just before 4 PM PST

SchwarzeneggerAssembly passed partial quick budget fix. I told them I won't sign a plan that doesn't solve the problem so I'll veto it if it comes to me.26 minutes ago from web

California has a massive congressional delegation and leadership in the Senate. The problem is, though, they are as worthless as tits on a nun. Pelosi, Finestein, Boxer, et al owe their loyalty to liberal federal programs and Obama, not California.

If bailing out California would reduce the funds available for Obama initiaves they start talking like Republicans. When Feinstein is asked if the feds should help out she fires back that the feds have already given California 50 billion in stimulus funds. Sheesh, is she working for the Nevada Chamber of Commerce these days or what?

I am not saying the feds should bail out California. I am just saying the delegation should play some role in working with the feds to see if there are areas that would help rather than outright dismissing it. That is their frigging job- not to just go to Washington and look liberal for the national press. What they are really saying is "we can't fund GM union workers and health care and also bail out California too."

I think California needs to fix it mostly themselves. Having said that, My state got 400 million in stimulus funds. I could easily identify 10% of that that I would prefer to see sent to California, if it is going to be pissed away here. We spent 2.2 million to fix the algea in the duck pond in Portland, Maine. We can't change the world, but if there is a small town in California getting ready to lay off some cops or firefighters, I would send that 2.2 million out there in a heartbeat.

On second thought, maybe our duckpond is too big to fail.

Washington to California: Drop dead - Victoria McGrane - POLITICO.com
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And here I was thinking you were going to tell me they found his real birth certificate and were going to release it to the public.

Hmmm. I see your point. That might cause him to have to go outside and have smoke indeed. That problem will go away over time though. Once you have gotten the people to overlook other clauses in the Constitution, it would be easy to just add on one more. It's like, like a relative, living document man.

Nevermind, you would have to be a Latina to understand.
I wonder what would happen if California released all non-violent drug offenders? And then also refused services to illegal aliens?