Public Option Fraud

My personal experience with SS, Medicare and the VA....
absolutely proof positive that the Gov't can do things correctly. It's congress and their pressure groups that screw things up. Being in health insurance over 15 yrs. I have seen, as many of you have, the lack of coverage for too many in the current system of health insurance/care. The fighting we now see, as well as the total lack of a tax structure to meet the needs , will result in a plan that will not work. So, you all will be fighting the same issues in the next go-around in about 10 years. ;)
Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Dean and many others are on record as wanting us to ultimately end up with Single Payer.

Frank and Dean have both admitted it.

The public option is meant to be a foot in the door for Single Payer. Nothing more, nothing less. I just wish they would be honest about it.

Well if you believe these guys:

"Anti-gun ObamaCare at a Crossroads: Passage or defeat will depend on Senate Republicans
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Anti-gun ObamaCare at a Crossroads:
Passage or defeat will depend on whether Senate Republicans pursue a smart or stupid strategy

[FONT=arial,helvetica]Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151

[FONT=arial,helvetica]Friday, December 4, 2009

The spectacle on the Senate floor -- in connection with the anti-gun ObamaCare bill -- is disgusting. The Senate is debating socialized health care right now, and some Republicans may be ready to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

This alert is long, but it is necessarily so. Here's the situation as it stands right now on the Senate floor:

* Harry Reid is pushing a $3 trillion bill with over $500 billion in new deficits. But he is trying to conceal the deficits with accounting fraud on a scale which would put anyone else in prison for the rest of his life.

* Reid's bill would restructure the American economy in a way that has not been seen at any time during our lifetimes -- but is being shoved down the throats of the American people before they can even comprehend the magnitude of the problem.

* Harry Reid took six weeks to write his legislation behind closed doors, but is trying to force the Senate to pass the bill in no time at all. FYI, the Constitution envisions an important role for the U.S. Senate in crafting legislation, but nowhere mentions Reid's "secret" meetings to coerce and bribe senators.

"Okay, okay" you say. The fact that Harry Reid comes across as a lying politician is not news. But there is another problem: Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has adopted a losing strategy that will, unfortunately, help speed up the passage of Harry Reid's anti-gun health care bill.

The Senate can do little without every senator agreeing to do it -- or at least not objecting to its being done. Hence, you hear about "unanimous consent requests." This means that every senator agrees to considering a particular amendment or, at least, to voting on it at a particular time.

The thing about these requests is this: They almost always make it easier for the bill to pass.

Hence, we are at the point where WE SHOULD STOP ALL UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENTS TO FURTHER REID'S HEALTH CARE FREIGHT TRAIN. And a single senator can do this by simply saying: "I object."

But instead, Mitch McConnell has already started allowing amendments to be offered which will let the Senate Democrats "clean up" the bill ... just enough to get it passed by the Senate.

We need to stop this sort of deal making. We need to stop these requests which grease the skids for Harry Reid's freight train.

And, in particular, we don't want to clean up this diabolical monstrosity. We want to kill it.

So our message? Kill the bill. Kill the bill. Kill the bill.


We don't want Mitch McConnell to try to make himself look good by pretending to be a "non-obstructionist." We want Senate Republicans to move heaven and earth to protect Americans from Harry Reid's scheme of bribery, fraud and dirty politics.

ACTION: Contact your two U.S. Senators. Tell them to object to any further Unanimous Consent agreements to further the ObamaCare freight train.

You can use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send a pre-written message to your Senators -- the appropriate e-mail will automatically be sent to your Senator, based on whether he is a Republican or Democrat.

----- Pre-written letter for Republican Senators -----

Dear Senator:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has agreed to Unanimous Consent agreements which allow for amendments to be offered to ObamaCare -- a strategy that will, unfortunately, have the effect of providing Democrats just enough votes to "clean up" this anti-gun bill and get it passed.

We need to stop this sort of request which helps grease the skids for Harry Reid's freight train.

And, in particular, I don't want to see this diabolical monstrosity cleaned up in a way that makes the bill just "good enough" to get 60 votes. This bill would restructure the American economy in a way that has not been seen at any time during our lifetime. I want to see this bill killed outright.

So my message? Kill the bill. Kill the bill. Kill the bill. NO MORE UNANIOMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENTS TO FACILITATE THAT BILL'S PASSAGE.

I don't want Mitch McConnell to try to make Republicans look good by pretending to be "non-obstructionist." I want Senate Republicans to move heaven and earth to protect Americans from Harry Reid's socialist scheme.


----- Pre-written letter for Democrat Senators -----

Dear Senator:

The spectacle on the Senate floor -- in connection with ObamaCare -- is disgusting:

* Harry Reid is pushing a $3 trillion bill with over $500 billion in new deficits. But he is trying to conceal the deficits with accounting fraud on a scale which would put anyone else in prison for the rest of his life.

* Reid's bill would restructure the American economy in a way that has not been seen at any time during our lifetimes -- but is being shoved down the throats of the American people before they can even comprehend the magnitude of the problem.

* Harry Reid took six weeks to write his legislation behind closed doors, but is trying to force the Senate to pass the bill in no time at all. FYI, the Constitution envisions an important role for the U.S. Senate in crafting legislation, but nowhere mentions Reid's "secret" meetings to coerce and bribe senators.

Please oppose this diabolical monstrosity.

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My personal experience with SS, Medicare and the VA....
absolutely proof positive that the Gov't can do things correctly. It's congress and their pressure groups that screw things up. Being in health insurance over 15 yrs. I have seen, as many of you have, the lack of coverage for too many in the current system of health insurance/care. The fighting we now see, as well as the total lack of a tax structure to meet the needs , will result in a plan that will not work. So, you all will be fighting the same issues in the next go-around in about 10 years. ;)

Are you suggesting a govt. take over is a good idea?
not quite, but if you look at the British system there is still room for private insurance. Rather than public option which will not work, there should be a program similar to medicaid for all children and those whose income can't meet the base premium. Forcing families into buying a policy won't work. But it is necessary and cost wise to give all a yearly check up (plus meds) and to care for all children through their teens. This country cannot afford to not reform health care. And, yes, there will still be plenty of work for professional agents.:yes:
not quite, but if you look at the British system there is still room for private insurance. Rather than public option which will not work, there should be a program similar to medicaid for all children and those whose income can't meet the base premium. Forcing families into buying a policy won't work. But it is necessary and cost wise to give all a yearly check up (plus meds) and to care for all children through their teens. This country cannot afford to not reform health care. And, yes, there will still be plenty of work for professional agents.:yes:

Every agent who knows anything wants "reform."
Not replacement.
It looks like the public option is not entirely out of the picture yet. That's what the headlines read, but the Dems are saying something else. Is this a bait and switch?
Without a public option the left will cry foul and claim there was no real reform - and if a Dem voted for this without the option the left will make sure they're looking for another job come election time.

All it looks like we'll end up with is what we have now, except GI with the rates tripled.

Medicare available at 55? Tax credits for 400% of FPL and below?

I mean, it's not like they don't know what the rates will look like - go pull 'em up in Mass.
This country cannot afford to not reform health care.

I agree, but have heard virtually zero discussion on reforming health care, just health insurance. Blaming the funding mechansim instead of the cost driver is like taking over the gas stations in the name of lowering fuel costs. Great, you took out the $0.03 per gallon margin they make, gas is still expensive. It will get even more expensive due to the government burocracy that goes with it. Anyone who disagrees has their head buried in the sand.
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