Public Option Fraud

Anyone who disagrees has their head buried in the sand.

I would have said buried up their *ss, but hey ...
Insurance companies are easy targets. Everyone hates them until claims time.
The simple minded see this as a zero some deal. What they miss is that ins. has to be administered whether by ins. companies or by the govt.

Also profit is a good, not an evil thing ... because it employs people.
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All it looks like we'll end up with is what we have now, except GI with the rates tripled.

F me Freddy.
Sausage, are you kidding? Like the American public would tolerate that even in a robust economy?

No, you can't.

Ron Paul 2012
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Also profit is a good, not an evil thing ... because it employs people.

Haven't you heard? Capitalism is a dirty word. You can't help someone and make money at the same time (they cancel each other out). At the same time, it's perfectly acceptable to have your government take money from someone else and give you $8,000 to buy a new home*. The government doesn't create any wealth, it simply transfers it from one person to another. It takes a morally supreme senator to give out gifts with other people's money.

I'm remembering why I've been staying away from here, if I'm posting here during daytime hours, I'm not out helping someone better their life and making money for my family at the same time.

*The housing mess was largely caused by skewed governement incentives. Legislation instructed Fannie Mae to accept risks it wouldn't normally have accepted, allowing mortage brokers to write loans that shouldn't have been written. Result: people got into homes with virtually zero money down in homes they couldn't afford. Now fast forward to this year: FHA minium down payment required: 3%. $200,000 home = $6,000. $8,000 first time home buyers credit = people are essentially getting into homes with zero money down due to government meddling in the markets. Do we ever learn?
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Haven't you heard? Capitalism is a dirty word. You can't help someone and make money at the same time (they cancel each other out). At the same time, it's perfectly acceptable to have your government take money from someone else and give you $8,000 to buy a new home*. The government doesn't create any wealth, it simply transfers it from one person to another. It takes a morally supreme senator to give out gifts with other people's money.

I'm remembering why I've been staying away from here, if I'm posting here during daytime hours, I'm not out helping someone better their life and making money for my family at the same time.

*The housing mess was largely caused by skewed governement incentives. Legislation instructed Fannie Mae to accept risks it wouldn't normally have accepted, allowing mortage brokers to write loans that shouldn't have been written. Result: people got into homes with virtually zero money down in homes they couldn't afford. Now fast forward to this year: FHA minium down payment required: 3%. $200,000 home = $6,000. $8,000 first time home buyers credit = people are essentially getting into homes with zero money down due to government meddling in the markets. Do we ever learn?

Some of us used that for good.

The wife and I realized that homes were overvalued in the Chicago market, and kept renting for 3 extra years. The market crashed, we bought a home that was 50% of the price of what we were pre-qualified to buy (qual for $400K, bought for just under $200K).

Went the FHA route, put down our 3%. Received seller considerations for 6%. Received the $8,000 credit.

As a result, we're in the house, have approximately $10-20K in equity, and put roughly $12K back into the pipeline through repairs/upgrades and new purchases for our home.

That's how it is supposed to work, but I don't think most of the people out there are like us who have done this the way it was intended.
That's how it is supposed to work, but I don't think most of the people out there are like us who have done this the way it was intended.


My wife and I did almost the identical thing you just did in another midwestern city. As as a result, we got a home for $225,000 that was selling for over $300,000 18 months ago. We locked in 4.75% financing and got the $8,000 tax credit as whip cream that increased our reserves as well.

I'm an opportunist. I may completely disagree with the program politically, but if they are dumb enough to give it away, I'm going to take advantage of it. Unfortanetly, I believe we are in the minority, most people I've met are similar to my post above.


My wife and I did almost the identical thing you just did in another midwestern city. As as a result, we got a home for $225,000 that was selling for over $300,000 18 months ago. We locked in 4.75% financing and got the $8,000 tax credit as whip cream that increased our reserves as well.

I'm an opportunist. I may completely disagree with the program politically, but if they are dumb enough to give it away, I'm going to take advantage of it. Unfortanetly, I believe we are in the minority, most people I've met are similar to my post above.

No slam to you...but you are part of the problem...not the solution.
Get in bed with this piss-poor decision making administration and they "own you"...this is not the answer.

These people are not responsible leaders! You cannot trust anything they do. Read the bills...idiocy prevails. This is absoultely the worst, poorly educated group of leaders ever produced from our country!

Look at George Soros and you will see what that prick has in mind for us! Now your personal info is in the hands of the gov't!