Questions Regarding Creating Your Own Website...

I filled in my name & email. They sent me a link. Click the link and it circles back to the main page.

How long have you had the program? Maybe they have changed the free part. Somewhere I noticed a 15 day trial version.

I like Nvu. This gives folks another source.

I filled in my name & email. They sent me a link. Click the link and it circles back to the main page.

How long have you had the program? Maybe they have changed the free part. Somewhere I noticed a 15 day trial version.

I like Nvu. This gives folks another source.


It has been about a year or so since I downloaded it. Perhaps they have changed it up. Too bad if they did.

Try this.

Ask him to watch the watch. He is getting sleepy. Very sleepy. When you snap your fingers tell him he will completely forget his name.


If that doesn't work, maybe you need a new name. How does Skippy sound?

Wait. That may already be taken too . . .

I should be mad at my mom for naming me "The Amazing Berko"

Shudda known some Hypnotist would already be using it.
Now it all depends upon ones desires and needs, I find DreamWeaver easier to work with then say Frontpage and it is a much cleaner site meaning a faster program. In fact a few days of playing around with DreamWeaver one should be able to stick together a Insurance Website.

Photoshop? Yea if you want a site like this, you'll need extensive knowledge of Photoshop and Flash and or Fusion which is not all that easy! But graphics only means you need to optimize your graphic in preferably a internet friendly format which many suggest the jpeg not to be it, now Photoshop Elements will do quite nicely and quite inexpensive a program. In fact to optimize a pict for internet is menu driven by PSE and will take about 5 minutes (if that) to figure out.

Golden Rule to me in website is simple, it comes up quickly and I can navigate the site meaning I want to click no more then two times to get where I want to be. Preferably all desireable information should be within one click of any page on your site. Graphics only add visual stimulation to convince the viewer to stay on your page for a extra few seconds and hopefully find it pleasing.

Simply follow this link and download a free thirty day trial straight from Adobe:

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