Quotit Doesn't Work?

Do you replace Assurant a lot in Tampa? From what I understand, not many agents work Tampa. I am sure Tampa has been flooded at one time though. You're lucky if you do, there is no way those premiums are even close to the going rate for a comparable plan.
Do you replace Assurant a lot in Tampa? From what I understand, not many agents work Tampa. I am sure Tampa has been flooded at one time though. You're lucky if you do, there is no way those premiums are even close to the going rate for a comparable plan.

I replace it (long as they're healthy) nearly every time I find it, whether through referral or other prospecting...
Probably lickin' your chops when you hear Assurant, I know I do. I'm like, let me guess, you have the coremed with a $5K ded and 50/50 coins. They are like how did you know?

Even the crap plans are out of line in FL pricewise. Those saver plans should be $50/mo, especially keymed, which is $650/mo on average, not even exaggerating.

Don't get me wrong, I love Assurant. Great underwriting and super fast payers with 12mo advance, plus ass kickin's software with app capability. Best carrier in many ways in my book. Just can rarely sell it here.
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I know what you mean on the rateup. I just replaced Assurant two weeks ago and they started at $230 and got an increase to $550 or some outlandish number. All healthy and this happened after the two year rate guarantee. Good for me.
I was let down when they put out the states where they were dropping rates and FL was not on there. Great West network helped, but try PHCS, what a joke. GWH is still ridiculously high anyway you slice it.
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Ashame - I'm selling Assurant's HSA in MD - almost identically priced to GR - Aetna's rates are absurd so it's an Assurant feeding frenzy.

Rate to rate (please remember I'm saying rate to rate) Assurant simply tears up other carriers.

Then I make money throwing everyone uninsurable into MHIP. Man I love writing here.