Seems that Rob lists S-M and Sepulveda in his resume'. If so, any comments, Rob? Is this what you are teaching their agents?
Admittedly it has been a while since I have been in Don's agency, and they may have upgraded their market. They used what they called the "Million Dollar" presentation to sell Time plans. Lot's of emphasis on nitpicking details of the Time products vs the competition.
As other's have said . . . "Mega-ish"
Hey, sorry I missed this post until now.
I have worked with both SMM and Sepulveda, yes. My training consisted of either independents agents or in house agents who are all doing phone sales. To my knowledge both agencies do mainly belly to belly.
What products they offered wasn't my concern, my responsibilities were clearly outlined and defined, and covered phone sales, tools and technology.
However, in training, I always instruct agents to offer the best benefits at the best price without sacrificing coverage or reputability, in order to keep clients on the books and not get outsold by another agent a day, week or month later. Like all of us on here has been able to do at one point or another (fish in a barrel).
Also, throughout training they repeatedly here me say "whatever is right for the customer" which has been my mantra since Renee Casserly was at Unicare.
Rob, I wanted to let you know what a pleasure it was meeting you. In fact, I would call it "refreshing!"
Your business mind is good and you understand your business very well. We were most impressed on how often we heard you say, "whatever is best for the customer." We seldom here that in our world.
At Your Service,
Renee Casserly
Manager - UniCare Agent Performance Program
Whether they listen to me and apply it or not is completely out of my control.