Rate comparison, Lincoln Heritage and Senior Life

:laugh:...this thread has got the FE forum ring to it... calling each other out, personal attacks, verbal insults, and body slams... I feel like a kid again watching wrestling... something tells me though these guys wouldn't fit in tights, or if they did it might give me indigestion...

May be you would like some maaylox with your tea...:yes:

You're right. If Todd had never taken that swing at me a few days ago we wouldn't be having this discussion.

At least Todd keeps the FE forum lively!
We're not captive.


Then I have misunderstood your postings. I understood you are like a lot of these guys 'Captive Independent'. I was pretty sure you offered individual contacts from the back and forth between you and Matt S. (what ever happened to him?). But figured if your people were getting leads from you they had better have all of their contacts under you.
May be you would like some maaylox with your tea...

I was at a carshow at the VA this last weekend. As I was sitting talking with a bunch of the guys, 65-75ish, the topic turned to meds for a second then to weed. Man, there are a bunch of tookers out there that just look like regular conservative white haired guys in Veteran covers. I got to thik the VA will be prescribing MJ once the feds get out of the way.
At one time in the thread the point was that one company can't fill all needs. That's why it makes sense to be independent and offer the best(or close to the best. I think that it's been shown to you that you can't do that with SL. :no:

If you're happy there, that's great. Doesn't mean that SL's for everyone...especially people wanting to buy FE. As I was trying to reel you in on comparing rates for 0-85 GI earlier. I could blow SL out of the water on that too.....because I'm Independent and can offer the best that's available. You can't, because you're tied to one company. :yes:

Then I have misunderstood your postings. I understood you are like a lot of these guys 'Captive Independent'. I was pretty sure you offered individual contacts from the back and forth between you and Matt S. (what ever happened to him?). But figured if your people were getting leads from you they had better have all of their contacts under you.
He doesn't have anyone but SL so they couldn't have any other contracts under him..
He doesn't have anyone but SL so they couldn't have any other contracts under him..

Not specific to him.

But anyone that restricts themselves to a particular company. Isn't that kinda like Otis locking himself in the Mayberry jail, with no lock?

Todd are you kidding me? Lol.

If an agent gets leads and doesn't write business they will be in debt doesn't matter if the manager finances the leads or the credit card finances the leads.

The agent will be either be in debt to the cosigning manager or in debt to their credit card.

Can't you do better than that?

You still avoid answering how much spread you have over your agents.

Okay, once again I'll give you some of my time that you don't deserve. I'm not going to answer that question as there is no one, single answer because of so many comapnies. Secondly, my contracts are a good bit higher than most individual agents could even obtain.

And for the 3rd and last point. It wouldn't matter how I answer the question. You would just find a way to twist it and then ask more stupid questions that are irrelevent to whether there is a single company that is good for everyone or not. I think we have already come to that conclusion. THERE IS NOT!

As someone mentioned before, you should have just stopped and smiled when it was estalished that SL's rates were better than LH's. But you just had to keep going, didn't you?
And for the 3rd and last point. It wouldn't matter how I answer the question. You would just find a way to twist it and then ask more stupid questions that are irrelevent to whether there is a single company that is good for everyone or not. I think we have already come to that conclusion. THERE IS NOT!
I believe you just described a Democrat. :laugh:
Not specific to him.

But anyone that restricts themselves to a particular company. Isn't that kinda like Otis locking himself in the Mayberry jail, with no lock?

The Mayberry jail had a lock.. Otis would lock himself in and hang the key on a nail on the wall outside the cell. :yes: