Rate comparison, Lincoln Heritage and Senior Life

It's already started. The agents we've recruited the past year have had to come from other agencies, wouldn't you agree? We also will lose some agents, but they are the agents that would fail no matter where they go. You wouldn't know because you stay holed up in your ________staying stoned all day.
Jan 1 is only 6 months away...yea.
It's already started. The agents we've recruited the past year have had to come from other agencies, wouldn't you agree? We also will lose some agents, but they are the agents that would fail no matter where they go. You wouldn't know because you stay holed up in your ________staying stoned all day.
Jan 1 is only 6 months away...yea.
It's already started. The agents we've recruited the past year have had to come from other agencies, wouldn't you agree? We also will lose some agents, but they are the agents that would fail no matter where they go. You wouldn't know because you stay holed up in your ________staying stoned all day.
Jan 1 is only 6 months away...yea.
Todd says "screw the insurance companies". He doesn't care about them.

I hope he doesn't say "screw the agents". After all, it's the carriers and the agents that pay him.

Todd.....what say you?

Since you like to take things out of context, let me lay it out for you real simple-like.

My first priority is to the client. My second priority is to the agent. My third priority is to the insurance company. Now, the insurance company would like for me to put them in that #! position and most of them really think they should be. That's when I say, "screw the insurance companies!" Never will I put them above the client or the agent (as long as neither are doing any shady stuff).

You see though, your first priority is either to SL or to yourself. Probably a close for 1st and 2nd. It shows with you. I'll never be a company ass-kisser like you are. Now do you understand or do I need to get a 1st grader to spell it out for you?