Rates for F2F vs Telesales

I have been Tele sales mostly for two decades. I do F2F by choice sometimes. Mostly a few hours away. Recently did a TS for a couple (2 UHLs) 5 minutes away. The next day I drove 3 hours for one F2F (UHL,RNA,TA). My choice. I doubt I am ever the lowest bidder. But I believe I am the best agent. My persistency is very high regardless if first year or after. Not counting claims.

Premium difference of a few dollars is more on the agent than the client. We choose what we place. If an agent is so weak that somebody can come into one of your houses and replace you for a few dollars, they never were your clients. They were customers.

maybe I'm not smart enough for this forum, because quite frankly I thought it was good to know that some telesales carriers can compete nicely with the face-to-face low price carriers and continue to offer the client a decent policy price

Let's talk about ethics . Aren't you the one buying non tcpa compliant Pakistani direct transfer leads? I swear I recall you got sued or were scared of getting sued ? Is it unethical that Mercedes charges $250 for an oil change when jiffy lube charges $80 ? It's not about being the lowest price .Its about trust and providing service . The cheapest is not always the best . I don't want to be the cheapest .
A great salesman can replace anything . " Mrs . Johnson when your time comes dont you want a local agent to help your daughter with all the steps during this though time ?That guy on the phone is long gone ." Your $55 for $10 k and I'm $57 for $10 k . " Mrs Johnson you've felt the incredible inflation the last yr . Haven't your grocery prices sky rocketed ? Well same with funerals . Let's get you $12 k for $69 a month to give you piece of mind . Outside an inbound tv lead which is super exp I'll never believe fe telesales has over 70% persistency.
A great salesman cannot replace "anything" but an unethical BSer can.
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A great salesman cannot replace "anything" but an unethical BSer can.

Call it salesman or bser . I guess all these top salesman many who are or have been on this board say 50% of their business replacement are unethical ? Surely 50 % of policy's out there aren't bad ?