Republicans Offer Better Tax Credit Alternative

I don't know who the Pubs have hired for their think tank but they need to fire them and get one with some decent ideas.

Every idea they float out lately is dumber than a box of rocks.
Is what we have now considered affordable? To those with a tax credit, yes. To those of us without a tax credit, not so much. My premiums doubled and coverage didn't improve. I'm fortunate to be able to afford the higher premiums, but there are a lot of people who aren't as fortunate. And I would much rather be paying what I was paying before my pre-ACA plan was terminated.

I did not mean to imply the current ACA is affordable, it's quite the opposite in fact. There is nothing affordable about the Affordable Care Act. 85 % of my clients got large rate increases along with double the deductibles they were use too. I think the long term goal ( Now Shorter Term ) of this law was to pass it and let it fail so there would be no other real alternative other than a 1-payer system. The Dems said we tried but those dam republicans and insurance companies caused this. I take it back the excuse will be " It's Bush's fault "
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No you can blame it on people not paying their medical bills in the hospitals over the number of years and also on prescription drugs. When hospitals and doctors cannot collect they simply raise their rates the following year this is how it is always been... Also lawsuits and the cost of overhead of medical practice. Basically medical inflation
No you can blame it on people not paying their medical bills in the hospitals over the number of years and also on prescription drugs. When hospitals and doctors cannot collect they simply raise their rates the following year this is how it is always been... Also lawsuits and the cost of overhead of medical practice. Basically medical inflation

So medical inflation doubled from 2013 to 2014?
Oh and I forgot the mandates and the ACA and having to cover pre ex the actuaries are partially responsible
Oh...somebody's going to blame Bush too :o