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Safeco's study "The State Of Women in Insurance"

It's a tiresome propagandistic non sequitur. Where is the American Left supporting policy to seize the means of production? Where are they trying to eliminate the concept of private property? Where, in the last 40+ years have they succeeded in enacting anything that doesn't serve the status quo without being badgered into submission by Republicans?

It's been 65 years and y'all still have McCarthy brain worms.
It's a tiresome propagandistic non sequitur. Where is the American Left supporting policy to seize the means of production?

Uh...all over the place. The D's almost nominated a literal "socialist" the last 2 elections. Some of their top/most influential members are openly "socialists". The Build Back Better (Green New Deal) would be the biggest step in that direction we've ever taken.

Where are they trying to eliminate the concept of private property? Where, in the last 40+ years have they succeeded in enacting anything that doesn't serve the status quo without being badgered into submission by Republicans?

It's been 65 years and y'all still have McCarthy brain worms.

If you'd read any/followed where the communist movement has gone in the last 100 years or so, you'd know how foolish that is to say. Neo-Marxism now reigns supreme. It's not just means of production anymore...they believe the culture has hypnotized the working class into not being down with the revolution anymore.

Take the Marxist idea of "private property", replace it with "maleness" and you've got the ideology pushing the "pay gap" nonsense. Replace it with "whiteness" and you've got the ideology pushing Critical Race Theory.

All with the same goal, the same revolution...
Uh...all over the place. The D's almost nominated a literal "socialist" the last 2 elections. Some of their top/most influential members are openly "socialists". The Build Back Better (Green New Deal) would be the biggest step in that direction we've ever taken.

If you'd read any/followed where the communist movement has gone in the last 100 years or so, you'd know how foolish that is to say. Neo-Marxism now reigns supreme. It's not just means of production anymore...they believe the culture has hypnotized the working class into not being down with the revolution anymore.

Take the Marxist idea of "private property", replace it with "maleness" and you've got the ideology pushing the "pay gap" nonsense. Replace it with "whiteness" and you've got the ideology pushing Critical Race Theory.

All with the same goal, the same revolution...

Prior to insurance I worked 100% commission sales floor selling appliances for a large retailer. There was not a single woman on the sales floor, not for a lack of trying. Management wanted to diversify the staff, they hired men and women of all ethnicities. The men would usually stick around, the women had a hard time lasting longer than a month, and I guarantee it had nothing to do with misogyny as we all wanted them to stick around. We would hand them sales, split them on stuff, give them pointers and yet they couldn't make it. For whatever reason they would all become overwhelmed. The cashiers and office staff were 95% women. The customer service reps (all women) would complain that the salesmen made more than them, yet a large part of their job was sitting up front in an office chair while they laughed and giggled with eachother, checked their nails, played on their phones etc. We would offer to let them come try sales floor. Not a single one of them ever did because it was stressful. If you didn't sell, you didn't get paid because there was no base rate.

Now if you ask me to explain that, I can't. My fiancé wishes she made more money, I encouraged her to try sales, she says not in a million years. It makes me believe there is a psychological difference between men and women. It doesn't mean women can't be amazing at sales, I have met some before that are, but I do believe for many of them it's a bigger hurdle to overcome in their head than men.

I do not believe that it is a societal or systemic problem, I think it is a difference in biology and psychological differences between men and women. That's a broad stroke opinion though, as life is much more complex than your gender. We all have strengths and weaknesses.