Second Appointments?

Hey Jdeasy,

Like i mentioned in my original post , there were some people who signed the application when I made the second appointment with them.

My questions are

1) If I had not followed up with them to make a second appointment , do you think they would have contacted me themselves for the second meeting?

2) Do other top producers follow up with their clients for a second meeting or they also move on?


Hey Jdeasy,

Like i mentioned in my original post , there were some people who signed the application when I made the second appointment with them.

My questions are

1) If I had not followed up with them to make a second appointment , do you think they would have contacted me themselves for the second meeting?

2) Do other top producers follow up with their clients for a second meeting or they also move on?



No way of knowing if they would have contacted. To me those people are more than just time wasters, they are spirit killers.

I've a got a friend that is out of the business now. He was a very good agent but he couldn't ever let the non buyers go. he called them "pending business". He would call them back time and time again and go back to see them. Did you catch the part where I said he is out of the business now?

Maybe I miss some business by not calling them back? But I don't miss them.

Besides, I will see them again anyway. They will mail in another card the next time their area is mailed.

Travis calls those people "agent killers". And they are if you let them be that. They have run more agents out of the business than just my friend that I mentioned.
Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts.

Jdeasy, your previous post is very insightful.


Hey Jdeasy,

If you have a "no-show", someone calls & cancels the meeting at the last minute. What do you do?

Hey Jdeasy,

If you have a "no-show", someone calls & cancels the meeting at the last minute. What do you do?


The only number they have to "call Back" is my fax line so my cancelations get me at the door, on time... I don't give my number out and my caller ID number is the fax.
Hey Jdeasy,

If you have a "no-show", someone calls & cancels the meeting at the last minute. What do you do?


I call from my home phone to set appointments and I set my appointments in the same area so the only number they have to call is what shows up on their caller ID. If they are calling on the appointment day I'm not there. I do usually check messages between appointments but I rarely get calls to cancel. They just won't be there when I show up. If someone no shows me I leave my card at the door. I won't make another contact with them unless they call me.

I don't call those people back either. When I have a no show I usually go doorknock some of the leads I haven't been able to contact.

No shows are just part of the deal.