Securus Lead's Question!!!

In my experience, the majority of clients do not remember sending a request for coverage in, and if they do, they were not expecting someone to show up. Honestly, it hardly matters if a lead is two weeks old or two months, I will work it the same. If you follow up with a client which declined a month prior they will more than likely not recall the visit, therefore making it another fresh visit. Perhaps he should go work these hundred leads again.
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After scanning over this thread, I have to ask this question... Why are so many of you trying to set appointments over the phone? While that is an option, it is most certainly not the best way. I cannot stand cold knocking, will never do it, however I have leads with their signatures for a request of coverage. GO TO THE DOORS. Set appointments by calling the ones you have already door knocked, and they declined a presentation. They will not remember you if you allow a few weeks to pass!

Door knocking is hands down the most successful way of working leads. The top producer for Securus last year made over 450K alone, without a team, and this was done through door knocking and a female appointment setter. Let the girls work the phones ;)
I was going to reply, but you actually made my point for me....a combo of phone appts and door knocking is the best results.

And I agree...I have been on a few appts 6 months later, said the exact same presentation, they do the exact same thing, sit in the exact same chairs....and they never remember me.

There are folks out there who will buy an RNA from you one day, then a few months later take out some Colonial Penn from a mailer (double price / 2 yr wait) really is crazy.

I was at a confrence recently, they were talking about social media, facebook, twitter etc....but what I took away was that PEOPLE have their OWN chosen delivery channel. We as the salesperson must make attempts on ALL channels, and allow the client to choose which one he likes best.

Meaning, I've had people NI me on the phone, then I'll door knock and they'll buy, gladly.

I've also had door knockers NI me at the door....then an appt setter makes a phone appt....and I show up and they don't remember me, and they buy.

Bottom line, IMO it is a fallacy for an agent to say "I only door knock" or "I only do phone appts". It's not up to us. It's up to the prospect/client to choose which method they is our job to facilitate this decision by attempting all available channels.