Seeing Lots of Pioneer American Telesales?

Doesn't prevent the client from being coached through the process... "just answer everything no"

You guys are using the term "clean sheeting" a bit incorrectly.

The way Pioneer works is through a similar system to Aptical. They do a 3rd party conference call where they do a script check and MIB. If something gets through after that, it's on the client. Not being truthful.

The agent can't "mark no" in the app. They are going over a specific process over the phone.

Regardless of the comments, there is room for both field and phone. Both process's have replacements. What I see here is the fact that it IS becoming "the way of the future". We are seeing more and more carrier offer telesales. And...there are going to be a few more announcing it over the next few months.

There is not much difference in policy's falling off sold by phone as face 2 face. Though most field vets will disagree on here and that's fine. No none can deny the changes happening to the industry.
Doesn't prevent the client from being coached through the process... "just answer everything no"

Only the marketers for telesales will say it's a good deal. I do believe a few more companies are dabbling in telesales but not because of it's effectiveness because it's been proven time and time again to not be an effective manner in which to do and keep business.

The insurance companies are dumb enough to believe that if they market it properly people will seek them out to buy life insurance and they won't need agents. They would love for it to be like MA plans where the company can have a captive office staff just answering the phone and signing people up.

I'm sure it's their hope that some IMO will figure it out and they can copy it and then cut out the agents. It's their pipe dream. Life isurance is sold, not bought. It's always been that way and it will always be that way. Most companies do not get that because they have insulated themselves from the real world.