Senior Family Services, Inc.


100+ Post Club
Is anybody aware of this organization? There are located in Delray Beach, FL. The reason I'm asking is because there is a gentleman at my church that just got licensed. I saw him one evening a few weeks ago at our weekly bible study and saw that he was wearing an Insphere shirt. I asked when he got his license and he responded that he has been licensed for about a month.

I let him know that I'd heard issues with Insphere and to really check them out. Now fast forward to this past Sunday. I'm leaving church and I asked him how things were at Insphere and he said that he is looking around for another company.

I was going to mention EFES to him since I feel that it is ideal for a new agent. He then mentioned that he was looking into a company in S. FL called "Senior Family Services, Inc. He said he spoke to a guy named Mike and he touted ING's new FE policy. He said he is going to get 125% contract and leads.

Just on a whim I called the company to try to find out anything. I also spoke with Mike and he stated 125% contracts. He said it was lower with the ING product but wouldn't tell me how much lower, he said it was "still competitive." I asked him to send my a contract for me to look over and I would get back to him.

I really don't want to see a new agent get taken by a shady outfit, especially one that goes to my church, so I'm trying to do some due diligence on the company. The CEO's name is Thomas Coughlin, the account manager/Director of recruiting is Michael Rose.

If all checks out I'll let him know. If it seems not reputable I'll let him know and point him to EFES.

I also checked out the company on and they lost there Inc. status back 2011 for failing to file and annual report.
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Don't about that organization but I did look at the ING FE product. Nothing special about it and I didn't pick it up.

Name recognition might be the only reason to consider it but I don't find that carries much weight with FE prospects.
I understand Google is my friend. I've already checked out their home page but it didn't really give any information.


The guy at the home office said he was going to email me a contract but I've yet to receive one.
Don't about that organization but I did look at the ING FE product. Nothing special about it and I didn't pick it up.

Name recognition might be the only reason to consider it but I don't find that carries much weight with FE prospects.

Name recognition is a mute point on this product.....They will be dropping the ING name in November/2013 per the purchase agreement for the US operations from the ING Europe.

VOYA | ING U.S. is Now on a Path to Become Voya Financial

Then they will be just another unrecognized no brand product selling FE with nothing special.
Is anybody aware of this organization? There are located in Delray Beach, FL. The reason I'm asking is because there is a gentleman at my church that just got licensed. I saw him one evening a few weeks ago at our weekly bible study and saw that he was wearing an Insphere shirt. I asked when he got his license and he responded that he has been licensed for about a month.

I let him know that I'd heard issues with Insphere and to really check them out. Now fast forward to this past Sunday. I'm leaving church and I asked him how things were at Insphere and he said that he is looking around for another company.

I was going to mention EFES to him since I feel that it is ideal for a new agent. He then mentioned that he was looking into a company in S. FL called "Senior Family Services, Inc. He said he spoke to a guy named Mike and he touted ING's new FE policy. He said he is going to get 125% contract and leads.

Just on a whim I called the company to try to find out anything. I also spoke with Mike and he stated 125% contracts. He said it was lower with the ING product but wouldn't tell me how much lower, he said it was "still competitive." I asked him to send my a contract for me to look over and I would get back to him.

I really don't want to see a new agent get taken by a shady outfit, especially one that goes to my church, so I'm trying to do some due diligence on the company. The CEO's name is Thomas Coughlin, the account manager/Director of recruiting is Michael Rose.

If all checks out I'll let him know. If it seems not reputable I'll let him know and point him to EFES.

I also checked out the company on and they lost there Inc. status back 2011 for failing to file and annual report.

Did this guy ask for your help?
Did this guy ask for your help?

First off yes, he did ask for my help. I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or not, it's too difficult to get tone from reading on a forum.

Even if he didn't ask for my help I would still want this guy to know if he were getting with an organization that wasn't looking out for his interests, i.e. contract, training, carriers, etc...

Now if he didn't ask for my help and I gave him all the information on the IMO and if it were all bad and he still wanted to work with them, then more power to him, he is an informed agent that made his own decision. But not to want to help a new agent just because they didn't ask for your help, not to show them any guidance at all is the reason the drop out rate is so high.
First off yes, he did ask for my help. I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or not, it's too difficult to get tone from reading on a forum.

Even if he didn't ask for my help I would still want this guy to know if he were getting with an organization that wasn't looking out for his interests, i.e. contract, training, carriers, etc...

Now if he didn't ask for my help and I gave him all the information on the IMO and if it were all bad and he still wanted to work with them, then more power to him, he is an informed agent that made his own decision. But not to want to help a new agent just because they didn't ask for your help, not to show them any guidance at all is the reason the drop out rate is so high.

You seem offended that I'd ask you if the guy asked for your help. Most people don't want advice they don't ask for. That's why I was wondering why you were going to all the trouble of "due diligence." I'm sure this guy is a grow man and could make the same exact phone calls you made. So you're saying even if the guy didn't ask for your help he was getting it anyway. I'm sure you had good intentions but most people don't appreciate help they don't ask for or want.
You seem offended that I'd ask you if the guy asked for your help. Most people don't want advice they don't ask for. That's why I was wondering why you were going to all the trouble of "due diligence." I'm sure this guy is a grow man and could make the same exact phone calls you made. So you're saying even if the guy didn't ask for your help he was getting it anyway. I'm sure you had good intentions but most people don't appreciate help they don't ask for or want.

I tend to agree with the fact that people, even if they ask, don't take advise very often. If he blows out of the business because he fails at this place that's more sales for you. :laugh: