Senior Life Insurance Company Info

I know people in Ky. have a bad rep about brain power, but you really do not comprehend too well. I said pers. for tele-sales probably 5% less than face 2 face sales. How can you not understand that?

What part od "close" do you not understand? Or, is 5% not considered close by you tarhole brainiacs?

Quit trying to change the subject from your mis-representations.
Spoke to someone who mainly writes sl and was told average persistency for them for 13 months is around 60% and that sl is happy if an agent can keep this high of a persistency.
Exactly!! Every company tracks it and it's readily available. When I log onto RNA's site it's right there in the upper right hand corner of the home page. Persistency, elasped ratio and not taken %. Foresters you do have the go to the persistency link. Same for Americo, Monumental, 5 Star, AmAm, etc. It's readily available if you just push one button.

When I wrote for LH I can't remember if it was on the website or not but it was on every commission statement that they sent.

Any agent that claims to not know their own persistency is being disingenuous at best.

As a sort of interested bystander reading all this, I agree with those who are saying that the persistency should be easily accessible. I'm with AAA Life and mine is at 86.9 % over the last 8 months ( when I started with the company). I get a report every pay period with this info as well as my placed ratio, etc.

I was with SL briefly last year and didn't have a big problem with them other than they sent me a bill for leads that were supposed to be free. My regional manager must have cleared that up since I haven't heard from them since, and I haven't received any calls from collectors , etc.
I think he loses once to Anderson Silva in about a year.

That's about as unlikely as you selling a policy next week. He's too big to cut to 185 and Silva has no interest in going back up to 205. Besides that, they claim to be friends- meaning the UFC would have to offer them an unheard of purse to take the fight.
tins said:
That's about as unlikely as you selling a policy next week. He's too big to cut to 185 and Silva has no interest in going back up to 205. Besides that, they claim to be friends- meaning the UFC would have to offer them an unheard of purse to take the fight.

Maybe you could give them the purse I bought you for your birthday.