Senior Life Unannounced Rate Increase-Normal/Abnormal?

Legacy Assurance LLC | Complaints | Better Business Bureau® Profile

So let me ask you something. You are a state licensed funeral director. Let's say you have just received a body in your funeral home. The decedent has a Senior Life final expense policy that was in force for 22 months with a $10,000 face amount.

They Legacy Assurance.

The beneficiary of the Senior Life policy comes into your business office with your professional staff to plan a burial that needs to take place in the next seven days from the time you receive the body.

After going over the plan,the beneficiary has chosen a casket you showed them for $3000. While in your office the beneficiary calls Legacy to shop caskets. They direct the beneficiary to their website. The beneficiary opens up their website on their tablet and sees a casket that appears identical to your casket chosen at your place of business or $1500 and wants to buy the casket through Legacy.

You already have the assignment signed in your place of business.

Many good questions:

1. If it's a contestible claim the insurance policy doesn't exist at all. It's a worthless piece of paper to me.
2. 18ga steel caskets (American made) in my funeral home retail for $2100 to $3000. If they want a lower price alternative that looks similar I would show them Chinese made alternatives that range from $600 to $1500 at retail.
3. That would be a rare family that waits 7- days for a burial. It's normally a day or two after the death. 3-days if family has to travel in from across the country. But a week? No.
4. The casket needs to be at the funeral home the day before the visitation. If the visitation is in the afternoon and it arrived early the morning of it could work depending on what else is going on at the funeral home that day.
5. If the casket is flawed the family would refuse it. Unless it's impossible I would want the person who ordered it to be present when it arrives. If they can't be I would photo/video the delivery and contact them if there were issues.
6. I would not think Legacy ships until they are paid in full first. They probably have an agreement with Senior Life about that part. Contestable claims I would assume the family member has to pay in full before they would ship it.

Now,we need to gather the family,do the burial within 7 days.

When do you need the casket at the funeral home ?

What if the casket is flawed ?

Can it be returned ?

Does Legacy ship it to you COD ?

How do you process the transaction?

Who pays for it ?

This is a contestable claim.

What if it's out of contestability ?

How does this actually work IRL ?

Many good questions:

1. If it's a contestible claim the insurance policy doesn't exist at all. It's a worthless piece of paper to me.
2. 18ga steel caskets (American made) in my funeral home retail for $2100 to $3000. If they want a lower price alternative that looks similar I would show them Chinese made alternatives that range from $600 to $1500 at retail.
3. That would be a rare family that waits 7- days for a burial. It's normally a day or two after the death. 3-days if family has to travel in from across the country. But a week? No.
4. The casket needs to I've at the funeral home the day before the visitation. If the visitation is in the afternoon and it arrived early the morning of it could work depending on what else is going on at the funeral home that day.
5. If the casket is flawed the family would refuse it. Unless it's impossible I would want the person who ordered it to be present when it arrives. If they can't be I would photo/video the delivery and contact them if there were issues.
6. I would not think Legacy ships until they are paid in full first. They probably have an agreement with Senior Life about that part. Uncontestable claims I would assume the family member has to pay in full before they would ship it.
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Many good questions:

1. If it's a contestible claim the insurance policy doesn't exist at all. It's a worthless piece of paper to me.

Ok,what if it's out of contestability with Senior Life ?

Once the claim packet is sent to the beneficiary,on average how long does it take the beneficiary to get everything required to your business office,get it processed,get the check?
Does it come from Senior Life?
Assignment comp
any ?

2. 18ga steel caskets (American made) in my funeral home retail for $2100 to $3000. If they want a lower price alternative that looks similar I would show them Chinese made alternatives that range from $600 to $1500 at retail.

So Legacy Assurance would be a Chinese made casket ? Do they tell their members the casket is made in China or do they tell them it's made in the USA ?
What percentage of your customers would choose your materials over the Chinese materials ?
Will Legacy send someone to the funeral home to compare quality?
Does having a third party with seemingly inferior material effect the overall quality of funeral service?
Effect the families relationship with the funeral home and staff ?

3. That would be a rare family that waits 7- days for a burial. It's normally a day or two after the death. 3-days if family has to travel in from across the country. But a week? No.

Black folks are known to have the funeral 2 weeks after death,right ?

4. The casket needs to I've at the funeral home the day before the visitation. If the visitation is in the afternoon and it arrived early the morning of it could work depending on what else is going on at the funeral home that day.

What if it didn't get there on time ?
What if it got there on time but the beneficiary was unable to inspect it ? Make sure it's the right quality,color

5. If the casket is flawed the family would refuse it. Unless it's impossible I would want the person who ordered it to be present when it arrives. If they can't be I would photo/video the delivery and contact them if there were issues.

How does the family know how to inspect the casket properly?
Does the average person who's grieving over the death of a loved one have the capacity to know what flaws to look for in a new casket ?
Does Legacy Assurance have a local office,local professional available to inspect the casket with the buyer ??

6. I would not think Legacy ships until they are paid in full first. They probably have an agreement with Senior Life about that part. Uncontestable claims I would assume the family member has to pay in full before they would ship it.

Hows the beneficiary gonna get the money if the claim isn't processed? We deal with low income seniors. Are they flush with cash?

Wait a minute !
Isn't that why they bought Legacy Assurance from Senior Life
Hows the beneficiary gonna get the money if the claim isn't processed? We deal with low income seniors. Are they flush with cash?

Wait a minute !
Isn't that why they bought Legacy Assurance from Senior Life

They pass a hat. It happens. People die all the time that had no life insurance at all. The spouse always makes the claim that "no insurance company would take him".
You know how much I love hearing that one over the years. You're always trying to throw a jab my way aren't you? Why don't you try to add something positive, useful, and constructive to our conversation. Instead, you come out of left field trying to start an argument. Why do you do that Todd? That's what children and immature adults do.

I'm not trying to start an argument with you. I'm just stating the facts. Fact #1...there is no use in arguing with you. No good has ever come from it. I'm just trying to explain to others why there is no use arguing with you. You're way too deep in the Kool-Aide. Plain and simple as that.

BTW, I'm still waiting on an answer from you on a question I asked a while back. What percentage of clients that are sold the legacy plan actually use it? Tough question, I know, but to answer this would put an end to this one way or the other.
I'm not trying to start an argument with you. I'm just stating the facts. Fact #1...there is no use in arguing with you. No good has ever come from it. I'm just trying to explain to others why there is no use arguing with you. You're way too deep in the Kool-Aide. Plain and simple as that.

BTW, I'm still waiting on an answer from you on a question I asked a while back. What percentage of clients that are sold the legacy plan actually use it? Tough question, I know, but to answer this would put an end to this one way or the other.

How in the world would you expect me to calculate that? I don't know. Your question is about as stupid as me asking you "how many of your Foresters policy holders actually used it". I'm not so stupid as to ask you, or anyone else, a question like that. Come on Todd....really?

And as far as explaining to others why there is no use arguing with me.....why do you use the term "argue" when you'd sound more professional saying "debating", "discussing", etc.?

But the reason you try to belittle my comments up here is because you're steadily losing agents and you want to try to discredit the things I can offer agents that you can't or don't.
How in the world would you expect me to calculate that? I don't know. Your question is about as stupid as me asking you "how many of your Foresters policy holders actually used it". I'm not so stupid as to ask you, or anyone else, a question like that. Come on Todd....really?

And as far as explaining to others why there is no use arguing with me.....why do you use the term "argue" when you'd sound more professional saying "debating", "discussing", etc.?

But the reason you try to belittle my comments up here is because you're steadily losing agents and you want to try to discredit the things I can offer agents that you can't or don't.

At the agency,we have someone that tracks persistency,death claims with Foresters,Trans,RNA....

Todd has over 2,000 producing agents selling Medicare and final expense with dozens of companies.

Todd's still waiting on an answer from you on a question He asked a while back. What percentage of clients that are sold the legacy plan actually use it?

He's picking up agents while you deflect,change subjects.

I'm waiting on you to "jump in" and help Newby answer some of the questions I asked him.

You write with one small company and won't answer questions.

How come ?

How in the world would you expect me to calculate that? I don't know. Your question is about as stupid as me asking you "how many of your Foresters policy holders actually used it". I'm not so stupid as to ask you, or anyone else, a question like that. Come on Todd....really?

And as far as explaining to others why there is no use arguing with me.....why do you use the term "argue" when you'd sound more professional saying "debating", "discussing", etc.?

But the reason you try to belittle my comments up here is because you're steadily losing agents and you want to try to discredit the things I can offer agents that you can't or don't.

Great deflection! I never asked you to calculate that. It's a simple question that Legacy should have the answer to. Why don't you just call them and ask? I'm sure you send them enough business that they will know who you are. You probably don't want to know the real answer though. That's the real reason you don't ask about it. You are afraid of the truth!

By the way, we add on agents every day, so you can just stop making things up. Do you make up lies to tell your clients too? As many lies as I've seen you make up on here, I'm pretty sure the answer would be a 'yes'.
Great deflection! I never asked you to calculate that. It's a simple question that Legacy should have the answer to. Why don't you just call them and ask? I'm sure you send them enough business that they will know who you are. You probably don't want to know the real answer though. That's the real reason you don't ask about it. You are afraid of the truth!

By the way, we add on agents every day, so you can just stop making things up. Do you make up lies to tell your clients too? As many lies as I've seen you make up on here, I'm pretty sure the answer would be a 'yes'.

Todd, you're starting to sound kinda

I'm pretty sure that when Sr Life is contacted by the beneficiary that Sr Life reminds the beneficiary to call Legacy to get their savings. Legacy makes a great profit selling caskets for $1500, after all you can supposedly get them from Costco for around $500? And Legacy and Sr Life have basically the same shareholders, so it makes sense that Sr Life would remind the family to call Legacy. Legacy makes a profit selling the casket, vault, and monument for only $2950, they don't lose $$$!

If a family doesn't take advantage of the savings Legacy provides's sad if that happens but I can't control their actions....that's on them. Just like someone who smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day......I can't control their actions....that's on them. Makes sense doesn't it?
Todd, you're starting to sound kinda

I'm pretty sure that when Sr Life is contacted by the beneficiary that Sr Life reminds the beneficiary to call Legacy to get their savings. Legacy makes a great profit selling caskets for $1500, after all you can supposedly get them from Costco for around $500? And Legacy and Sr Life have basically the same shareholders, so it makes sense that Sr Life would remind the family to call Legacy. Legacy makes a profit selling the casket, vault, and monument for only $2950, they don't lose $$$!

If a family doesn't take advantage of the savings Legacy provides's sad if that happens but I can't control their actions....that's on them. Just like someone who smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day......I can't control their actions....that's on them. Makes sense doesn't it?

So when the beneficiary calls Legacy,does Legacy give them directions to a showroom nearby where they can go pick out the merchandise?

Does Legacy put a lien on the policy so the beneficiary can get the casket without paying cash for the casket ?

Will Senior Life make out a check after the claim has been settled to Legacy for the casket?
So when the beneficiary calls Legacy,does Legacy give them directions to a showroom nearby where they can go pick out the merchandise? Usually the proposed insured has already picked out the casket they want to use way ahead of time, from an inventory over over 200 caskets to select from. The casket's model # that the insured selected is recorded and this info is given to the beneficiary at time of death. That way the family won't be arguing about which casket to get momma. If momma never picked out her casket ahead of time, then the beneficiary will pick the casket out, they're all $1500 and 18 gauge steel.

Does Legacy put a lien on the policy so the beneficiary can get the casket without paying cash for the casket ? There's no lien put on the policy by Legacy or anyone or anything else. The family could even choose not to use Legacy's savings (foolish). The beneficiary can sign an "assignment of benefits" to Legacy to pay for whatever merchandise is being bought. Ex: if only a casket is needed they would assign $1500 to Legacy as all caskets are $1500. Or the beneficiary might assign $2950 for the casket, vault, and monument to Legacy rather than pay the local funeral home approx. $7000-$8000. And all shipping is free so there's no hidden costs.

Will Senior Life make out a check after the claim has been settled to Legacy for the casket?
See answer immediately above.

You asked good questions to share with everybody. Thank you.

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Dropbox - In Home Legacy Video For Recruits.m4v - Simplify your life

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