Settlers Grace Period


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
A client's 2yr old policy is 40 days past due. I called and she said she hoped to catch it up when she gets her paycheck. I then called Settlers to see when the policy would lapse and if I would need a reinstatement. They informed me the policy "technically had a 30 day grace period" but would not lapse until it 90 days past due. I asked what would happen if she died between the 31st day and the 90th day and they stated they would still pay the claim . One more example of a great little company going the extra mile. Most companies would not pay outside the 30 day grace period stated in the policy.
That's nice to hear.
I picked up an IMO level contract with them a little over a month ago. Just last week the contracting on 4 of my agents went through. We're planning on putting some business their way.
I liked that they will bill monthly direct. In the senior market, I come across people once in a while that won't have a bank account. Probably won't be the best persistancy, but I rather write it than pass it up.
Don't forget they changed the POS interview process and now can give you an answer at the POS.

The 10pay is a go to product for me which beats the rates of Monumentals. and I may now start writing some of the whole life due to the POS interview process change.
i just sent in contracting for settlers this week. How quick are they on policy issue if you do the POS call? also if you push the draft date out 30 days do they pay the comission on issue or hold it until the policy drafts?
i just sent in contracting for settlers this week. How quick are they on policy issue if you do the POS call? also if you push the draft date out 30 days do they pay the comission on issue or hold it until the policy drafts?

They hold it until the 1st draft.

Sent from some woman's closet using my EVO.
They hold it until the 1st draft.


Which goes along with my philosophy of Insurance Sales.. "No money, no sale"... I never count a sale as "made" until the first premium is paid.
Which goes along with my philosophy of Insurance Sales.. "No money, no sale"... I never count a sale as "made" until the first premium is paid.

Or maybe even the 12th. :)

Sent from some woman's closet using my EVO.