SIAA Vs SmartChoice Vs Insurance Noodle

I would recommend you do some serious research yourself without relying on this forum. Honestly this is a huge decision, get some broad ideas here but then get in touch with some of these aggregates and find out what they will offer and thoroughly review their contract before you sign
Smart Choice or Superior Access? One person IA @ Home, though am beginning to strain at the seams needing to brick-n-mortar outside my home. Shoestring budget. I now have have E&O for L&H through NAPA. & E&O for P&C (NAPA as well) at what I thought was very reasonable. As I continue to do the research I believe I need a rater service, @ a cost, but not for both? And a mo' membership cost, but not for both. In the interim, lining up business, with my Tax consulting business, my day job, which funds me for the year. A lot of info to take in and process, so am proceeding cautiously. I looked into FARMERS but it just didn't feel right to relinquish so much, though appealing. Was with AGLA for short term, too limited & only Life, annuities. Great Company but not why I spent so much time, $$ and energy to get Lic'e on L&H/P&C. Grateful though for exp'e. Trying to set up a one-stop-shop. Capitalize & Cross sell current client base. Many inquiries from my small client base (100) compelled me to get my L&H/P&C lic last year. I would really appreciate any thoughts on Smart Choice or Superior Access? Am in Southern CA.
Suggest you review the program from a group called AgentCo (dot com). You'll have to inquire to see if they have expanded to your state.
I've looked into this pretty good and the way I see it is this. You have basically two choices. You go ahead and take the State Farm tramp stamp on your buttocks. Or pay the exorbitant extortion fees by these gangsters, aka.. Indentured Servitude.
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We have been with siaa for about 18 months now. There are pros and cons. It sounds like ur problem isn't with siaa, but with the master ( local) agency. Our master agency had been established for over a decade, and had all there stuff together.

Still pros & cons to siaa, just wanted to add my 2 cents

Looking into siaa now, can you describe how your experience has been? Thanks,
Look at premier not as restricted as SIAA honestly more companies as well. I like the SIAA it's almost impossible to do business with them in multiple states without having separate contract with each MGA. However with Premier I could be in 46 date to still have access to carriers that I need and not be overcharged.
The rater can take up a lot of time. but it's nice to have when requiring. It's also nice for companies that have a quote requirement and not a policy requirement.