Silver script $63 a month in 2024 with $525 deductible. Best silver script $116 a month

wow that SS choice plan completely blew up. double the premium, and T3 turned to a coinsurance.
This will be a busy AEP
Caveat, NOT an agent.

Just a consumer here so I don't get to see rate info untill later in the year. However, if broad law changes are pressing PDP carrier profits and plan designs, what makes you think that you will be able to find significantly better options coming up? The days of a very cheap plan (with any value to speak of) to switch to may be gone.
Caveat, NOT an agent.

Just a consumer here so I don't get to see rate info untill later in the year. However, if broad law changes are pressing PDP carrier profits and plan designs, what makes you think that you will be able to find significantly better options coming up? The days of a very cheap plan (with any value to speak of) to switch to may be gone.

$2,000 moop on Part D doesn't start until 2025 - This seems more like SilverScript trying to reduce market share imo or Aetna/CVS is trying to move these folks to MAPD.
It has been that way for a number of years. Agents on the forum quote $X premium for a plan in their area and it is rarely the same premium in my area. This is especially true for the lower premium PDP's which comprise over 90% of my client base.

Cheapest Pdp Aetna In your area $63
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I wonder what happens with the $0 premium with FULL LIS on the Choice plan? Could be gone. Wonder if other companies will follow with high rate increases?
We could write the smart this year, but it was non-commissionable. Still went towards sales counts for incentives. Honestly, if it was close, another plan with a different carrier was $4 more per month and didn't have the deductible on tier 2, so I did that.
I swear, if smart saver blows up im gonna be pissed

Surely someone, or a handful of someone's, will still offer a low premium (hopefully single digit) PDP.

Both SS & Wellcare have low premium plans here . . . $7 and $11 respectively. Over half my clients have the $7 plan . . . a few have the $11 WC because they like the low/$0 copay for generics.

13 years ago when I took up the Medicare mantle the lowest premium PDP was $18. Healthy folks, no meds or only 1 - 2 generics, refused to buy the plan.