Silver script $63 a month in 2024 with $525 deductible. Best silver script $116 a month

Caveat, NOT an agent.

Just a consumer here so I don't get to see rate info untill later in the year. However, if broad law changes are pressing PDP carrier profits and plan designs, what makes you think that you will be able to find significantly better options coming up? The days of a very cheap plan (with any value to speak of) to switch to may be gone.

Just basing it on previous years when Ive seen plans blow up.
But you may be right, inflation and Bidenomics may be forcing more inflation on the consumer.

That being said, if it is the case, we may see a larger percentage of seniors on a fixed budget move to $0 MAPD plans.
First best option might be to just drop the pdp if not on expensive meds, vs dropping OM / med supp for mangled care, and pay the pdp penalty if that ever comes to about, which will be lower then these pdp premiums. Then pay cash for rx with Mark cuban or the cartel or canada
First best option might be to just drop the pdp if not on expensive meds, vs dropping OM / med supp for mangled care, and pay the pdp penalty if that ever comes to about, which will be lower then these pdp premiums. Then pay cash for rx with Mark cuban or the cartel or canada

So now the client is better off paying for a Med Sup and taking a chance on their drugs even if they start taking Eliquis in February and have to pay $6600.00 for it the rest of the year and have no dental, vision, gym, OTC vs taking a 0.00 premium MAPD with a terrific drug plan built in and a 3900 max OOP. Oh and they now have dental, vision, gym, OTC, etc. But by God they may be able to get that MRI without PA.

Unbelievable how some people think on this forum.
So now the client is better off paying for a Med Sup and taking a chance on their drugs even if they start taking Eliquis in February and have to pay $6600.00 for it the rest of the year and have no dental, vision, gym, OTC vs taking a 0.00 premium MAPD with a terrific drug plan built in and a 3900 max OOP. Oh and they now have dental, vision, gym, OTC, etc. But by God they may be able to get that MRI without PA.

Unbelievable how some people think on this forum.

What if, like my recent client that got bad cancer, needed mayo clinic to stay alive. I'm sure he wouldn't complain about a high cost med, or not having gym membership. Nor would he complain if he died. But he is alive....because of being on OM.

You take no consideration into access to quality care, you only consider the $$$$

Unbelievable how some think on this forum
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And......with 3800 OOP, vs $6000 for a drug, the difference is minimal. And? They can buy a pdp next year if needed.

And, my comment was assuming all pdp premiums are HIGH. At some point, a client on 1 or 2 generic meds, won't pay $50 mo for a pdp plan
What if, like my recent client that got bad cancer, needed mayo clinic to stay alive. I'm sure he wouldn't complain about a high cost med, or not having gym membership. Nor would he complain if he died. But he is alive....because of being on OM.

You take no consideration into access to quality care, you only consider the $$$$

Unbelievable how some think on this forum

Everything goes back to being able to use Mayo. Been doing this 23 years and have had 0 clients go to Mayo. Yes, if you have any money sense it is about the dollars. Could care a less if my Dr has to do a little more work to get PA. Getting way too caught up in mangled care, common sense goes a long ways.
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First best option might be to just drop the pdp if not on expensive meds, vs dropping OM / med supp for mangled care, and pay the pdp penalty if that ever comes to about, which will be lower then these pdp premiums. Then pay cash for rx with Mark cuban or the cartel or canada

I sell a healthy amount of both med supp and ma and would never call ma "mangled" care.

The idea that Rx coverage is somehow divorced from and vastly lower in importance to "go anywhere" (when 96%+ of the population will never leave their area for medical care) is asinine. Yeah, let's pay 7% more on your income on drugs so that in 13 years you can go to the new doc across town.
Everything goes back to being able to use Mayo. Been doing this 23 years and have had 0 clients go to Mayo. Yes, if you have any money sense it is about the dollars. Could care a less if my Dr has to do a little more work to get PA. Getting way too caught up in mangled care, common sense goes a long ways.

I'm in AZ. About 20% of my clients have needed or use mayo. They Thank God they followed my advice