Single Payor if Trump Gets Elected?

The last one works for me, fee fi forina and rubio

The Dems are probably going to put up a Biden/Duval Patrick or Biden/Julian Castro ticket so let us just say that we are in interesting times. Bad blood between Joe and Fauxcahontis Warren.
Cruz is an ultra right wing extremist. If he makes it to the general election he will never win. He will alienate 80% of the voters... and will maybe pick up an extra 15% of the republican vote just from blind loyalty or hate of Hilary.

Personally, I see no place for a person like Cruz to run this country. Keep him in the Senate where he can be balanced out by the non extremists of the party. Mark my words, the Republicans will take a HUGE loss if they nominate someone so far to the right as Cruz.

I spoke to Cruz on the 4th of July. He was in my town on main street kissing babies and shaking hands. There was only one or two people around him when I passed by and he reached out to shake my hand. We spoke for maybe 30 seconds about the economy, then I asked him how he expects to get elected when 80% of the country does not agree with him on the social issues. His answer was that "we will just have to make them believers". Now Im not sure if he meant believers in the political sense or the biblical sense since I live in the bible belt and politicians love to pander to that. But I honestly wonder if he realizes how out of touch he is with the majority of the US on many of the social issues. Him and I do align on economic issues and international issues though.

My ideal ticket would be Kasich/Fiorina or Kasich/Rubio or Rubio/Fiorina.
I really like Kasich. He is a level headed and logical thinker who will appeal to independents as well as conservatives. But I am afraid that John is too far behind... but who knows.
How about a Carson/Rubio ticket? Or Carson/Fiorina? Or Rubio/Fiorina?

Rubio/Fiorina is a possibility. Carson is a hell of nice guy so I hate to ding him but the reality is that he is gaffe prone in a way that will wear him down over time.

The country is pretty far to the left now to elect anyone other than a democrat. On the other hand, historically, it has always been hard for the same party to hold the white house for three terms in a row. Trump is brain damaged in a way that gives him a death wish (although in fairness, that interview with Erin Burnett yesterday was a rare show of sanity so I dont know if he is trying to smarten up). Anyway, the point is that if he ever did make it to the general election- big if- he would get a lot of dem votes too because he is basically a dem anyway. He is pretty fragile though for a tough guy. And yeh, he is a single payer guy. I think Carl Icahn would run it. And Carl's gotta guy who knows a guy and so on. That's his plan.
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Rubio/Fiorina is a possibility. Carson is a hell of nice guy so I hate to ding him but the reality is that he is gaffe prone in a way that will wear him down over time.

The country is pretty far to the left now to elect anyone other than a democrat. On the other hand, historically, it has always been hard for the same party to hold the white house for three terms in a row. Trump is brain damaged in a way that gives him a death wish (although in fairness, that interview with Erin Burnett yesterday was a rare show of sanity so I dont know if he is trying to smarten up). Anyway, the point is that if he ever did make it to the general election- big if- he would get a lot of dem votes too because he is basically a dem anyway. He is pretty fragile though for a tough guy. And yeh, he is a single payer guy. I think Carl Icahn would run it. And Carl has a guy who knows a guy and so on. That's his plan.

I agree about Carson. I like him but he puts his foot in his mouth too much and I think that both Hilary and Biden are seasoned enough to set him up to fail come debate time.

Trump has always been a single payor fan. These days he talks a lot about repealing Ocare, but I dont hear a lot about the alternative from him. And I do not hear any real detailed alternatives from any of the others either for replacing ACA. They all think it is bad and should go... but how they are going to do that and what they are going to replace it with is all a big mystery.

At this point (IMO) single payor would be better than the fustercluck that we have now. It is essentially already single payor (in a convoluted way) with a whole bunch of added layers to it. Just cut the pork and make it what it is already. Let big blue/anthem be the vendor who admins it all and be done with the headache/back & forth/waste of energy/etc/etc/etc. Of course I would rather it go back to the old system, & if it did I would love to see them eliminate group health and create a national high risk pool, & possibly some very small subsidies for true low income folks. But I digress...
Cruz is an ultra right wing extremist. If he makes it to the general election he will never win. He will alienate 80% of the voters... and will maybe pick up an extra 15% of the republican vote just from blind loyalty or hate of Hilary.

Personally, I see no place for a person like Cruz to run this country. Keep him in the Senate where he can be balanced out by the non extremists of the party. Mark my words, the Republicans will take a HUGE loss if they nominate someone so far to the right as Cruz.

I spoke to Cruz on the 4th of July. He was in my town on main street kissing babies and shaking hands. There was only one or two people around him when I passed by and he reached out to shake my hand. We spoke for maybe 30 seconds about the economy, then I asked him how he expects to get elected when 80% of the country does not agree with him on the social issues. His answer was that "we will just have to make them believers". Now Im not sure if he meant believers in the political sense or the biblical sense since I live in the bible belt and politicians love to pander to that. But I honestly wonder if he realizes how out of touch he is with the majority of the US on many of the social issues. Him and I do align on economic issues and international issues though.

My ideal ticket would be Kasich/Fiorina or Kasich/Rubio or Rubio/Fiorina.
I really like Kasich. He is a level headed and logical thinker who will appeal to independents as well as conservatives. But I am afraid that John is too far behind... but who knows.

First off Kasich is a liberal who happened to have an ALL GOP state-house that he continually takes credit for. He is for common core, expanded Medicaid, isolationist foreign policy. The guy is no different than Jeb or Hillary.

As far as Fiorina, if you hate Cruz so much then you should look more into her funding source.., 500k is a lot to give to a candidate..

Rubio is a mini-hitler waiting to happen. He is a john mccain neocon through and through. He is amnesty all the way.

How do people keep picking candidates that have no clue on Monetary policy, that is the subject that will dictate whether our currency implodes or goes back to normal. You have Japan with a Quadrillion dollar debt bomb that's gonna be us if we don't get back on track. Electing a sellout Executive, a Reality Queen, or two immigrants won't serve this country either.
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both Hilary and Biden are seasoned enough to set him up to fail come debate time.

Don't discount puppet masters Jarrett and Obama pulling strings and slinging mud. They, along with their cohorts managed to get Cain out of the race and avoid a black vs black contest.
At this point (IMO) single payor would be better than the fustercluck that we have now. .

Indeed this is the left's Cloward-Pivens strategy right on schedule as discussed here years ago. I remember saying many times that I agreed that the american public did not want and would not approve a Canadian type of system because, despite its many faults, the American system was perceived as being better. But if Obamacare were implemented it would make such a total mess of the system that there would be an outcry to fix it AND ALTHOUGH THE NORMAL MIND WOULD SAY LETS GET RID OF IT THEN, in reality you will end out with a pantload of candidates running around saying it is just not lefty enough. Howz that lookin? Might as well bring Dennis Kucinich back. At least we would have his wife to add something of interest to the discussion.

I do agree though with Somarco that medicare-for-all as a flat out strategy will not be accepted but the left has learned that they do not need to bite that off anyway (I mean the ones hoping to be elected). They know that Obamacare was a good start and that you can just use executive order or riders on bills to continue down the road to achieving Medicaid-for-All and then over time people just say WTF most people are on the government tit already for health care. That strategy has worked quite well and if they are elected there is no reason to not just keep on keeping on. I mean it is not like it will stop if the republicans controlled both houses or anything.


Don't discount puppet masters Jarrett and Obama pulling strings and slinging mud. They, along with their cohorts managed to get Cain out of the race and avoid a black vs black contest.

Hillary is accusing the republicans of witchhunting her on the email thing. Let's see now. Obama appointed the FBI Director, the Justice Department that would seek to indict her works for Obama, and the Inspector General who recommended more investigation is in Obama's chain of command.

I am going to go right ahead and put a check mark next to Joe's name when it comes to behind the scenes support. Unless anyone thinks that love between the clintons and the obamas will prevail. And with Joe, Obama gets to choose the VP and have another black candidate. That would be Patrick Duval.

This is how the sausages are made in washington.
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Cruz is an ultra right wing extremist. If he makes it to the general election he will never win. He will alienate 80% of the voters... and will maybe pick up an extra 15% of the republican vote just from blind loyalty or hate of Hilary. Personally, I see no place for a person like Cruz to run this country. Keep him in the Senate where he can be balanced out by the non extremists of the party. Mark my words, the Republicans will take a HUGE loss if they nominate someone so far to the right as Cruz. I spoke to Cruz on the 4th of July. He was in my town on main street kissing babies and shaking hands. There was only one or two people around him when I passed by and he reached out to shake my hand. We spoke for maybe 30 seconds about the economy, then I asked him how he expects to get elected when 80% of the country does not agree with him on the social issues. His answer was that "we will just have to make them believers". Now Im not sure if he meant believers in the political sense or the biblical sense since I live in the bible belt and politicians love to pander to that. But I honestly wonder if he realizes how out of touch he is with the majority of the US on many of the social issues. Him and I do align on economic issues and international issues though. My ideal ticket would be Kasich/Fiorina or Kasich/Rubio or Rubio/Fiorina. I really like Kasich. He is a level headed and logical thinker who will appeal to independents as well as conservatives. But I am afraid that John is too far behind... but who knows.

Here's the problem though. Us right wing extremists make up a large part of the Republican Party. 46 million evangelicals stayed home in the last presidential election.

While I like Trumps zeal, I would have moral/religious problems with voting for him. I probably still would, because he has to be a better option than Hillary or Biden or whoever the left chooses.

I don't understand your 80% number on social issues though. Do you have a statistic to back that up?

The bottom line is: the Republican Party cannot win without the Christian vote.
The bottom line is: the Republican Party cannot win without the Christian vote.

The terms "evangelical" and "christian" tend to get merged together here. In fact neither party can win without the christian vote. Some of the pubs are Catholic-such as Rubio and Bush and Christie and probably others. They want the christian/catholic vote but some of the dems are in pretty tight with the catholics too, eh?

In fact Joe and the Pope are pretty much joined at the hip these days. We can expect him to announce later in October and to say later that his private audience and encouragement by the Pope was the factor that got him off the fence.

I think McCain and Romney proved that you do not have to be loved by the evangelicals to get the nomination. And they lost in the general because they were duds. If you can get the nomination but also not be a dud...well then..let us just say your odds are better. And if you are running against someone who is under indictment or is a known gaffemester who never got more tha 1% in a primary (ie. Biden) then -at a minimum- it at least makes for a race.

Unless you think an Orange pant suit is going to make someone so hot that people will abandon good judgement.
