Single Payor if Trump Gets Elected?

Here's the problem though. Us right wing extremists make up a large part of the Republican Party. 46 million evangelicals stayed home in the last presidential election.

While I like Trumps zeal, I would have moral/religious problems with voting for him. I probably still would, because he has to be a better option than Hillary or Biden or whoever the left chooses.

I don't understand your 80% number on social issues though. Do you have a statistic to back that up?

The bottom line is: the Republican Party cannot win without the Christian vote.

I totally disagree with that last sentence. The Republican party needs the Christian vote no more than the Dems need the green vote.

I say 80% because of the fairly commonly accepted stat of the "60% silent majority". 20% are extreme right, 20% are extreme left, and the 60% majority is somewhere in the middle of the two and more worried about surviving day to day than standing on their soapbox about a single issue or two... especially if that issue has to do with what goes on inside of their neighbors bedroom or body (or the various lib issues such as tree hugging or singing kumbaya while we hold hands with people who want to cut our heads off)

Imo a Republican like Trump certainly could win without the religious right if they pick up the independent vote. All they need is the middle of the right & independents (which are really the left of the right and right of the left), and they most certainly will win the election.

Earlier this year Gallup came out with a study showing that around 42% of voters now identify as "independent". What that really means is that they do not agree with the extreme views of either party and sit in the level minded middle majority.
(and if that stat is true, then that puts 60% as either full Rep or Dem, assuming 30% are Rep, that would put about 20%-15% on the extreme side of the right most likely)

Whoever gets the independent vote (the middle majority) will win this election. They do not need the extremists of the party to win. And that goes for either side.
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I think independents are for the most part smarter than to vote for Trump, they have been burned by rhetoric before, which is why Independents look at ACTIONS than words.
Trump used eminent domain to benefit his business...yeah sounds like a great contender! He wants to assassinate Snowden, the guy who exposed the unconstitutional spying programs...yep doesn't sound like a wanna-be despot to me!
First off Kasich is a liberal who happened to have an ALL GOP state-house that he continually takes credit for. He is for common core, expanded Medicaid, isolationist foreign policy. The guy is no different than Jeb or Hillary.

As far as Fiorina, if you hate Cruz so much then you should look more into her funding source..Why Did Ted Cruz's SuperPAC Give Carly Fiorina's SuperPAC $500,000? | Zero Hedge, 500k is a lot to give to a candidate..

Rubio is a mini-hitler waiting to happen. He is a john mccain neocon through and through. He is amnesty all the way.

How do people keep picking candidates that have no clue on Monetary policy, that is the subject that will dictate whether our currency implodes or goes back to normal. You have Japan with a Quadrillion dollar debt bomb that's gonna be us if we don't get back on track. Electing a sellout Executive, a Reality Queen, or two immigrants won't serve this country either.

Kasich to me is an independent who leans toward being a conservative. Which aligns more to me personally (fiscally conservative and socially moderate).

I dont think that Fiorina cares where she gets her money from (like most politicians) she just needs it to win and wants to win. As far as what she did at HP, I have no issues with CEOs laying off people when there is bloat at a corporation... that is their job and it is not her fault that people before her caused bloat. Other stuff she did was questionable in retrospect, but hindsight is 20/20.

Rand probably has one of the best minds as far as monetary policy goes. But he is crashing and burning. Trump has yet to lay out his fiscal policy, but if it is anything like his tax policy it will be mixed with good and bad... and essentially a populist stance.
Kasich to me is an independent who leans toward being a conservative. Which aligns more to me personally (fiscally conservative and socially moderate).

Rand probably has one of the best minds as far as monetary policy goes. But he is crashing and burning. Trump has yet to lay out his fiscal policy, but if it is anything like his tax policy it will be mixed with good and bad... and essentially a populist stance.

Kasich isn't a fiscal conservative, he signed up the state for expanded Medicaid and then blew through the grant money before target dates.

Rand would be crashing and burning if you believed the polls. Look at EVERY MSM poll, they don't even talk to ANYONE that's younger than 50. Yep those seem reliable when they don't take your opinion or mine into consideration. Learn to peer through the propaganda...
Kasich isn't a fiscal conservative, he signed up the state for expanded Medicaid and then blew through the grant money before target dates.

I consider myself fiscally conservative, but I agree with him taking the Medicaid funds. Haley should have done the same thing here in SC. There is a big picture to think about. You cant judge a persons true fiscal stance on a single issue, especially when it is as complicated as healthcare/insurance.

The fact of the matter is that bucket of money was going to be spent in one way or another on ACA, it might as well go directly to my state if it is going to be spent. And by not accepting it Haley has created a class of uninsuredes who do not qualify for ACA subsidies and also do not qualify for Medicaid... so they go to the ER and it costs everyone more in the long run.

Kasich is anti ACA, so if it had been up to him that never would have been a decision he would have had to make. But imo Medicaid needs/needed expanding to cover more low income people. If we had done that years ago, then the push for ACA would have had a lot less steam. For years this country has had a class of people who do not make enough to afford HI, and are not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. By not having them covered it costs the system more overall in the long run.

The way to fix health insurance is to expand Medicaid for low income, create a national high risk pool (or just throw them in with Medicaid), & eliminate group policies. It would bring the price down considerably & eliminate fear of changing jobs due to HI. It would also give people an incentive to get/stay/be healthy.
Im for Rand, Biden is the new Hillary

That is fine but we were talking about who could get elected versus who you support. Both Hillary and Biden have reasonable chances of being elected.

Rand- not so much when it comes to his chances but we are just in the primary season. If you support him then you support him. Thats fine. And if he is the nominee then he is the nominee, if not then it becomes moot. At that point, supporting someone who is not the nominee but should have been is an okay discussion. Just not for me.
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I think independents are for the most part smarter than to vote for Trump, they have been burned by rhetoric before, which is why Independents look at ACTIONS than words.
Trump used eminent domain to benefit his business...yeah sounds like a great contender! He wants to assassinate Snowden, the guy who exposed the unconstitutional spying programs...yep doesn't sound like a wanna-be despot to me!

Are you saying that the independents learned their lesson after giving emperor Obama a second reign?

I certainly do not agree with everything Trump says. But at the same time unfortunately a lot of what he says does make sense and resonates with a lot of people. I also think that a lot of what he says is grandstanding for the cameras. He is a lot smarter and cunning than people give him credit for. The eminent domain issue is kind of like the bankruptcy issue, he is smart enough to use the existing laws to his advantage. I might not agree with it or like it, but you have to give him some credit for being savvy enough to pull it off.

I have mixed feelings about Snowden. Assange should be taken out before even thinking about Snowden (Im not advocating that, just saying in comparison; he should be jailed for life). He caused irreparable harm and caused the death of patriots in the field. At least he will spend the rest of his life in a quasi prison (an embassy of a country that hates us).