Slow loading pages...


100+ Post Club
A little while back I asked if anyone else was experiencing slow loading pages and it seems many of you were experiencing the same problem I was having on this great site. One night I repainted one of our rooms while waiting for the page to load :-)

But seriously, I was not able to navigate much of this site because of the length of time it took for the pages to load. Then last night I experimented using the Firefox browser instead of internet explorer and its amazing how fast these pages are loading now. Like night and day... FYI, You can download Firefox for free at


The only issue I have with firefox is that it is a pain in the ass to get rid of the program. Quite similar to purging a computer of AOL.
I think firefox works very good. When IE7 first came, it messed up my PC and I had to get rid of it. I did not expect from IE7. Firefox works very smooth and fast. I don't know why you are having problem with it.

- Jay
Sal, its easier to uninstall firefox from your control panel, then go to install/uninstall programs... find the program and click uninstall and your done. I have uninstalled firefox before and never with any problem.

Its the best browser out there besides IE, and for this site, it is unbelievable the difference in page loads. weird huh?

Sal, its easier to uninstall firefox from your control panel, then go to install/uninstall programs... find the program and click uninstall and your done. I have uninstalled firefox before and never with any problem.

Its the best browser out there besides IE, and for this site, it is unbelievable the difference in page loads. weird huh?


I will look into it. I just recall being annoyed with the program when I installed it on my desktop. Perhaps I am just used to Internet Explorer.

Great marketing idea though. Get everybody hooked on your software, require updates every month and charge people for them. Wonderful idea!
Believe it or not, its totally free. Ive been using it for several years and it has never cost me a dime... perhaps you are thinking of another browser. It is also supposed to be safer (privacy) and you can download a free IE feature that makes it look like IE.

I dont use firefox all the time, but with certain sites I find firefox to be better and other sites IE is better.

I'm using Firefox as we speak and my logging on and searching the different threads is sloooooooow!!!! I've fragged,defragged,went to IE, rebooted, done everything that I can think of and still it's slow.:mad:
I'm using Firefox as we speak and my logging on and searching the different threads is sloooooooow!!!! I've fragged,defragged,went to IE, rebooted, done everything that I can think of and still it's slow.:mad:

It's got to be something else, I've been using Firefox for the past 2 years and it's far superior to IE....both with speed and security.

All the plugins (Add-ons) that you can add do seem a bit annoying at first, but you can pretty much set up your browser exactly how you want it.