So I hear Cigna is going to

Re: Cigna's First Shoe To Drop

Cigna still has a choice to pay commissions on the "healthy" part of the family. They are choosing not to.

We all have a choice to write the healthy part of the families too, I'm going to choose to write the business with another carrier.
Re: Cigna's First Shoe To Drop

I clearly stated that in an earlier post. My reply was in direct response to someone who stated it was the administration's fault.

We all have a choice to write the healthy part of the families too, I'm going to choose to write the business with another carrier.
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

Do you really think the other companies will follow suit like Cigna? That doesn't seem to be very consumer friendly.
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

The real issue here, as Somarco eluded to, is working hard on a deal only to find that you won't receive comp.

Now, if you do a great job with prescreens the risk will be minimal. However, as we all know there are times when we're caught off guard.

Say an agent works hard for a deal, submits what they think is a clean or relatively clean case to Cigna but Cigna "declines" the child thereby turning it into a GI deal and comp for you.

I think that situation will happen once, and only once before Cigna sees their last app from that broker.
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

I spend a lot of time with prospects before submitting an app, including pre-screens when warranted. Still, I get fooled from time to time, usually over things the applicants dismissed as nothing . . . because their doctor told them it was nothing.

Had a case earlier this year. Everyone looked fine on the app. Daughter (4) had the typical ear issues and Humana opted to get doc records since treatment had been so recent.

The notes included a comment about sensitivity to clothing and other materials. They had tried different things including using lotion and Vaseline to decrease sensitivity along with using a different detergent and fabric softener. They switched the material in her bed sheets and went to all cotton clothing.

All of this seemed to be working.

The doctor had told them early on this was probably just a phase she would grow out of, and she was making progress.

The doctor had also suggested testing by a psychologist. This was early on and they were told to try different material, lotions, etc. but if that didn't work the testing might give more insight.

So what did the carrier do?

Declined the kid until testing was complete. The tests were over $2,000!

Since their COBRA was running out they had no choice other than cough up the money to have the tests. The tests were done and were inconclusive but did note there was improvement.

Do you think I am going to take a chance on ANY kid with Cigna going forward?

My odds are better on winning the lottery.
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

Again, I think this is a poor move on Cigna's part and I don't expect other carriers to follow this model. I'm not risking working for no comp when I can submit with another carrier and not have to worry about it.
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

I do not think what Cigna is doing is legal.

I urge each of you in states where Cigna is doing business to file a complaint with the Commissioner's office.

What they are doing is to effectively discourage individuals with "at risk" children from purchasing health insurance. This flies in the face of the purpose behind reform and frankly, it concerns me greatly about the integrity of this particular company.
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

What they are doing is to effectively discourage individuals with "at risk" children from purchasing health insurance.

No, they are not.

I am not condoning their move, but I don't see anything illegal about stripping commissions on GI coverage.

Cigna is not refusing to insure children.
Re: So I hear Cigna is going to screw us out of a commision

We're independent contractors and every agreement I can find specifically states that compensation can change.

I can offer a plumber $2.00 to fix my bathroom and it's not illegal. The question is, how many plumbers will accept my offer.