Some food for thought when calling your leads!

Lol. I pay my own marketers $12/hr and they generate 4 leads an hour. The ones who generate more than 4 per hour go to $15 but my lead cost stays the same. I don't share my prospects with anyone.
I am one of those who hates cold calling. Hate it, hate it, hate it...

But, for my sales, I only have a 6 month window (Oct - March), so I go with carriers who offer pre-set appointments.

FYI - From Oct 1 - Nov 14th, you can write a paper app for a Medicare advantage plan, but you have to leave it with the client.
I am one of those who hates cold calling. Hate it, hate it, hate it...

But, for my sales, I only have a 6 month window (Oct - March), so I go with carriers who offer pre-set appointments.
I don't know of carriers who have pre-set appointments (at least here in Southern California). Who do you use?

By the way, I hate cold calling more than you!

I'm not a fan either but I can get into the zone and just do it. To be honest, I'd recommend that brand new agents suck it up and telemarket themselves. I really do think it's the best way to get off the ground with zero marketing expense. There's a huge learning curve in this business and paying hundreds a week in marketing just adds to the frustration.

Once you're off the ground and have made the mental connection between talking to prospects to writing business then you have many options for farming it out from shared leads to telemarketing.
I don't know of carriers who have pre-set appointments (at least here in Southern California). Who do you use?

By the way, I hate cold calling more than you!


I don't about CA either but in MD there's two agencies offering pre-set MA appointments. One charges $25 per appointment and give $300 per app. The other gives free appointments and $200 per app.
I'm not a fan either but I can get into the zone and just do it. To be honest, I'd recommend that brand new agents suck it up and telemarket themselves. I really do think it's the best way to get off the ground with zero marketing expense. There's a huge learning curve in this business and paying hundreds a week in marketing just adds to the frustration.

Once you're off the ground and have made the mental connection between talking to prospects to writing business then you have many options for farming it out from shared leads to telemarketing.

Neither am I! It is the most frustrating thing I have ever done, especially when you go hours without a qualified appointment. That doesn't happen very often, but it ocassionally happens to me.

I guess I am still in the category of "brand new agents" because I still do my own telemarketing. I have tried it all, and with the way I sell, I am more successful doing my own calling than to have someone else do it for me.

I also get to keep all the money I make. Why should I pay someone $240 per week or more just to make a few phone calls for me? All they will do is get the person to say that they would like me to call on them. That isn't a sale. To me, it's barely an appointment. Those are easy to get.

When I call myself I can get valuable information, log it for future calls, let them have the opportunity to "get to know me" before I knock on their door and have a feeling about whether or not it will lead to a sale.

If I don't think it will lead to a sale, I don't set the appointment. When I go on an appointment I know that I have at least an 85% chance of making a sale.

That's why I do my own telemarketing.

A major part of that "huge learning curve" is knowing how to prospect. If you haven't learned to prospect successfully, how are you going to teach a telemarketer to prospect for you?
I guess to even simplify it more we can use the Dr. Phil; "So how's that been working for you?"

If you want to pay for leads and it works then it works. Why change. However, if you're paying the leads and getting your ass handed to you then it needs to change.

There is no single marketing method that will fit everyone. I know agents who buy leads and do well, agents who call themselves and do well, and agents to farm out telemarketing and do well. Just know yourself. I am moving away from all of this crap by slowing dumping money into local advertising. I think it'll take more than a year or possible two for my phone to ring enough to make decent money. I for one am tired of chasing people down. I cannot picture myself calling people who are trying to avoid me 5 years from now.

If you abhor cold-calling then you're not gonna do it. You will always find an excuse not to call. The only advice I have is this:

"The definition of insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different result." So if this business isn't bring in what you want, and you have a passion for it, then you need to make a change.